Richard Gao

What's your tech stack?

Calling all developers! Though I'm not one myself, I'm curious to learn about your tech stack for building.

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Anastasiia Protsykevych
It depends on the solution I need. My favorite tech stack is the LAMP Stack, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The LAMP stack is a traditional technology stack commonly used for web development. Linux is the operating system used for the server, Apache is the web server used for serving web pages, MySQL is the database used for storing data, and PHP is the programming language used for server-side scripting. Additionally, I recommend reading this article by JetSoftPro about popular technology stacks for software development:
Depends on the app. My fave for the web is React / NextJS / Tailwind for frontend + Node.js. These days though, working in Flutter is cool because it's excellent for cross-platform builds. Can use it alongside something like Firebase/Supabase.
Hossein Yazdi
Not something unusual. PHP for the server back-end, pure HTML and CSS for the front-end, and Atom for the text editor. I hope this help.
Webflow, React, Flutter - the most ones we use and love to use :)
Samuel ‎Mi
We're building our whole app on Next.js and Vercel. The framework has everything to build a really smooth and intuitive backend and frontend. Next.js as React framework, styled-components and tailwind for css-in-js, Vercel's edge network for api.