Shreyas Iyer

What's your go-to method for staying productive and motivated throughout the day?


Staying productive and motivated throughout the day can be a challenge (especially on a Monday)! I've heard of people using coffee, meditation, exercise, and everything in between to get through their day. So, what's your go-to method for staying productive and motivated throughout the day? Share your insights and thoughts!

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Rushi Rajpara
Pomodoro: Productivity is vitalized when you also rest your mind. Being a Designer for years I know how easy it is to start moving in the direction you don't want to head. The Pomodoro technique helped me stay focused for 75% of the time while take an overview look for the next 25% (Considering 100% as an hour) This was I ended up treating myself with a snack or coffee while covering up 600% of work out of 1000% time (which means 6 hours of productive work in 8 hours) Also this guy helps
Luka Dimitrijević
Create a list of 10 tasks. Drink a coffee while doing the first 3. Take a 5 minute break on the terrace. Do another 3. Take a 30 minute break for lunch. Do 7th and 8th task. 15 minute break. Do the last 2. *The most important tasks are first on the list.*
Shreyas Iyer
@lule29 Agree with this completely! To-list, coffee, and breaks (I like to take short walks) are essential!
Uma Venugopal
Limited meetings, time blocking, physical movement to prevent inertia.
Shreyas Iyer
@uma_venugopal Definitely agree with physical movement, I find it essential for productivity!
making a to do list is one hack and not overthinking is another
John Lins
A PAPER to-do list
Filippo Pietrantonio
Focus for 45/90 minutes straight in a location and then take a 30 min brake and move to another location (can be within the office or at a coffe shop, home, park etc...)
Shreyas Iyer
@filippo_pietrantonio Love this! Definitely find that changing your workspace location can help you focus more. When you're at the same desk all day, the days also bleed together much more easily.
Jeff Chou
set your goals early in the day and eliminate meetings
Raj Lal
spending 30 minutes Timeboxing my most important 1 project of the day
Luv 📝
1. Time blocking 2. Taking regular breaks
Muballigur Rahman Choudhury
I start by setting clear goals for the day. I decide what important things I need to accomplish. This helps me stay focused and know what I need to work on TODAY. I break tasks into smaller steps. This makes them easier to handle, and I can work on one step at a time. Taking short breaks in every 2 hours, walking to different room, hi hello to other people recharge me well. While checking my task list, I find I have done this this and left with that that boost me to finish the tasks ASAP.
Taking breaks to recharge
Andrei Costea
I'm meditating and drinking coffee, but lately I've been doing Wim Hof breathing followed by a cold shower in the morning. Can't say it's magical, but it definitely wakes me up and makes me waaay more productive for the 1st part of the day. Love reading the comments in this discussion, y'all rock 🤘
Samuel ‎Mi
Nothing that would beat a morning shower 🤞🏼
John Kirtley
Sun exposure first thing in the morning (10-15 min), then not having caffeine for the first 2 hours I’m awake. After that, it’s just about taking consistent breaks, taking a walk, maybe some green tea later in the day. That usually keeps me going.
Richard Gao
Blocking distractions and getting a good start to the day by getting up early
Wiktoria Jaszcza
setting my goals the day before, taking regular breaks, writing down little sub-tasks and ideas that pop up during the day.