Richard Fang

What's your best productivity tip?


I find that time blocking has helped me a lot. How about yours?

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John McD
With the help of some remote work software (for instance Awesun remote desktop for sharing screens and files) to keep the team productive while working from home
Ikenna Paschal
Stay away from your phone. Don't visit Twitter or YouTube while waiting for the compilers to finish. This is the most impactful productivity tips I have useful.
Richard Fang
@ikennaobieze True - I think your phones are one of the biggest distractions
Rashmi Gupta
Box your time
Eddie H.
Block social media. Drink lots of water and get some sleep.
Tanoy Chowdhury
Use a pomodoro timer and website blocker. It will help you to stay away from distractions.
Jide Lambo
Apply deep work for straight 45 mins to 1 hour. Take short break to do silly things. Get back at deep work for another 45 mins to 1 hour.
Audrey Rampon
Calendar blocking! 💯 🙌 Tested and approved! (I wrote a blog post on this if you're interested in the topic:
Antonio Ufano
Plan and review your weeks. I started doing it five years ago and it really help you work smarter and don't jump to work on random things. In addition it helps you have a list of things to do every morning so you don't have to think about what to do. I even built a product out of it (theLIFEBOARD)
Farshid Humayun
Pomodoro method works best for me.