@aaronoleary i usually go for free .web.app domain so first focus becomes building the product and landing page to not waste much time on landing page i use Frontendor
Something. Anything.
If you do not start work (real steps to win) within 3 days - idea will RIP.
It means do not think too much - just start do something ASAP and then you'll just feel what to do next and plan will be born by itself.
I write everything down first. Nothing structured, just raw thoughts. Then I read through those notes and think about it all for a while, to see if I like the idea. See if it's something I want to pursue vs whatever else I have going on. Sometimes just writing it down is enough.
I think for me its to validate the idea. Understand what work has been done in this field if at all. {literature review} , SWOT analysis with a focus on impact and scale. Then it’s about finding things that work independently that will help me materialise this new idea such as tools and teams.
@jmbastida that's me ✋ , is it struggle for you too to leaving projects in middle or quite in the end just because something else got more interesting 😄?
Estimate required effort to implement it. => if more than 2 days of work postpone assessment to the end of the month (I end each month by making my backlog for the next one).
Estimate the potential return (market size if business idea, or impact on branding potential for content ideas)
If the potential return/effort worth it I review the existing competition.
If I still see potential:
- If it is less than 2 days of work, implement it on some weekend
- Otherwise plan it my monthly backlog.
Never think about an idea first. As i designer i think about an space to work on. It's create an broad way to looked at it.
small example:- India have disorganised industry in pets sector.
Person A:- I want to build FMCG product for pets, which may be an good idea.Idk
Person B:- Okay so why i'm having different experiences in this industry.
> Why there is only 40,000 doctors for animals in india ? ( only pet dogs population
21m )
> Why paw parents are not trained to take care of their pets? Can i shift their
behaviour ?
> why laws are not so organised ?
>there are many ..........
@jaskiran_kaur i too research market on the competitors how they are doing things and how i can add more value i like setting goals but recently been reading atomic habits book so will be focusing more on the systems
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