Ryan Hoover

What's the best tool for sharing and co-drafting Twitter DMs?

I'm looking for a tool that makes it easy to share select Twitter DMs with my team and give them the ability to write a draft response that I can review before sending. Any recommendations? We use Front for email collaboration but it appears their Twitter integration is no longer working.

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Scott Weir
Hey Ryan! I saw you chatting with @shishirmehrotra already, but I’ve done a ton of work like this in Coda with twitter specifically I built a full on typefully thread scheduling tool in twitter, complete with analytics, AI suggestion and more Coda would be great for these types of workflows! With changes to twitters API, the best way to go about accomplishing this would be to create your own pack (integration) for Coda+Twitter I recently ran a free event teaching people how to do so, and am happy to share the code or any other pointers you need! You could make a really reliable and customized solution for this, essentially for free!
Jay Chang
typefully 100% for collaborating on public, but I havent seen it for DMs
Shishir Mehrotra
I do this in @coda_hq. Unfortunately, the latest Twitter API changes broke our default Twitter integration but if you ask the Coda community, I'm sure someone can build a new one to the updated Twitter APIs now. With that, you can basically build any flow you want - auto-sync in tweets/DMs/etc, add a checkbox column to flag which ones you want replies to be generated for, add a canvas column for the draft reply (supports inline commenting, "suggested edits" mode, character count, inline AI assistant to draft / refine replies, etc), and a button column for posting the tweet/DM. Can easily set up automations to syndicate these elsewhere, notify the relevant people for each one, etc.
Ryan Hoover
@coda_hq @shishirmehrotra I didn't realize Coda could solve for this. Front's deprecating their current Twitter integration because of the new pricing (along with many other companies/devs). Sad face.
Svitlana Palamarchuk
you might want to check out SparkMail
Typefully seems to do just that and it's great
Ryan Hoover
@bonfues Typefully seems to be more focused on collaborating (e.g. shared drafts) on public tweets. Does it support DMs, too? I couldn't find any details on this in the docs.
Abhimanyu Ghoshal
Typefully is fantastic for this. The interface is really easy to get used to on the first try.
Bhuvan thaker
If we were friends I would jokingly say - This is a great example of "Hights of Laziness". Since we are not, I'd say, you have great eye to spot problems :)
Johannes N
https://swat.io is supporting this. Also, one of @andreasklinger's projects he worked on … 10 years ago :)