@joanduarte That makes sense. Economic and time freedom are certainly important goals that can motivate us to work harder. For me, I find that a combination of both financial motivation and a sense of accomplishment helps drive me to work harder.
I have a high-paying remote job. But I am spending my nights and weekends building a product that solves the problem I believe is big and needs to be solved.
@oymen_baydin To be honest. I do get really tired and stressed sometimes, but I know it's also a phase. When you start something new, you have many hurdles - but things do settle down eventually. Currently, my goal is to launch the product I have been working on for a year and get it to revenue that matches my job salary.
@oymen_baydin it is difficult, especially considering that I have to earn my own living for such a young age. ever thought of ending my life, but being able to survive for the day feels relieving.
If you're like me, you have no motivation to get writing. You just sit at a blank page, knowing that you have to crank out a blog post, or a proposal, or a newsletter. Then, all of a sudden, you're struck with a good idea, and you start writing. You're excited and you write with passion.
The first thing that motivates me to work harder is setting goals. To achieve any goal, you need to work hard, but working hard without goal is like sailing a boat without a compass, you will never reach the destination.
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