Tal Buchshreiber

What is your motivation boost when things don’t go your way?


Good morning fellow Hunters! I’m having a low-energy morning. Was wandering, what makes you keep going when things get rough, and don’t go your way? Please, do share.

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Philip Washington
Hey there! In challenging times, I find strength and motivation by surrounding myself with supportive friends and family who believe in me, reminding me that I'm not alone in this journey and that together we can overcome any obstacle.
Thomas Kelly
My motivation boost when things don't go my way is the belief that setbacks are opportunities for growth and that perseverance and adaptability will lead to eventual success.
André J
Just keep working on your core willpower. at some point it will pierce through any obstical and you will want to wish you could never sleep again. because being awake and working on the stuff you love is so awesome 😬
Anne Hughes
Good morning! When things get rough, I remind myself of my past successes and the resilience that got me through, knowing that this too shall pass and brighter days lie ahead
Think of the big picture. Practice gratitude. Reflect on what can be done better.
Vincent Vandegans
@thisismeihere do you mean gratitude about yourself?
Bon Bouquet
I tell myself: from the fact that I'm lying on the couch there will be no cubes on my stomach !! Wake up Your Majesty! Great things await you!! and immediately smile!
Think of the big picture.
Jane Alexander
When things don't go my way, I find motivation by reflecting on past successes and reminding myself of the resilience and determination that got me through tough times.
Catherine Griffin
In challenging situations, I tap into my support network of friends and family who uplift me with their encouragement and belief in my abilities.
Michelle Sanchez
I draw inspiration from stories of successful individuals who faced setbacks but persevered, reminding myself that failure is a stepping stone to growth and eventual triumph.
Shivangi Awasthi
Remind yourself of your past successes and how you've overcome obstacles before. Draw strength from your ability to bounce back from adversity. Imagine yourself overcoming the obstacles and achieving your desired outcomes. Visualization can boost your confidence and motivation. Divide larger challenges into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate small victories along the way to maintain momentum. Anddd when things don't go your way just take a small break, embrace it and bounce back stronger. Go for it!! @tal_buchshreiber1
Vincent Vandegans
@tal_buchshreiber1 @shivangiawasthi what sort of visualization would you recommend please?
Aravind Parameswaran
I generally try channeling the negative feelings of disappointment & anger (of things not going my way) into determination (kinda like "not taking no for an answer") to try harder and eventually see success. Also, celebrate small wins. Remind yourself of why you are doing this..
Chirag Dave
Relax, sit back, and try it again.
❉ Ksenia
just allow yourself to spend the day in that state accept that you can be slower, lazier, etc sometimes it's not about boosting your motivation and being the most effective person in the room, it's about letting things be what they are don't push yourself for because the more we resist, the longer we stay in that state
Sharad Gupta
One hack that has worked for me is to motivate someone else when your own chips are down.
Dave Hornsby
There’s learning opportunities in everything, but remember how good it felt when you got a big win, hang onto that and keep going until the next.
Roza Zakaryan
I'm trying to remember my successes and achievements, knowing that this will pass also and brighter days will be here soon.
yea the state of optimism - can't be stable .. when it's hard just work and don't think ..
Nilesh Jethwa
Think of them as small speed bumps. Take a note of everything you already have family, friends etc and feel grateful. Take rest for couple days
Almarie Stander
Such a good question and I love all of the replies! Life for me has been a real rollercoaster and there have been a few quotes that has always helped me through the toughest of times. I cannot recall the authors, please forgive me, but here they are: 1. "It is always the darkest just before sunrise" 2. "Sometimes when things seem like it's falling apart, it might just be falling into place" 3. These are from Marie Forleo: "You win, or you learn" and "Everything is figureoutable" May you find some inspiration from these. I have found that I have grown the most in the toughest of times - it builds character.