As a seasoned digital veteran who has managed small teams (in Shanghai too), I don't possess a traditional leadership style. I don’t think good leaders have one MAIN type of style. IMO, a good leader is a fuzzy combo of the principles and qualities that contribute to effective leadership:
1. Communication: Clear, concise, and active listening skills are essential for understanding team members' needs, ideas, and concerns.
2. Adaptability: Being open to change and adapting to new situations is crucial in today's rapidly evolving world.
3. Empathy: Showing empathy towards team members helps in building strong relationships and fostering a supportive work environment.
4. Integrity: Demonstrating honesty, transparency, and consistency builds trust among team members and stakeholders.
5. Vision: Having a clear vision for the organization's future helps align teams and motivates them to work towards common goals.
6. Decision-making: Making informed decisions in a timely manner is essential for driving progress and maintaining momentum.
7. Delegation: Effectively delegating tasks allows leaders to focus on strategic priorities while empowering team members to develop their skills.
8. Problem-solving: Strong problem-solving abilities help leaders find creative solutions and guide teams through challenges.
9. Emotional intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions, both in oneself and others, is vital for building positive relationships and fostering collaboration.
10. Continuous learning: Staying open to new ideas, experiences, and feedback allows leaders to grow and adapt their leadership style to meet the needs of their teams and organization.
Remember that everyone's leadership effectiveness is unique, and these qualities can manifest differently depending on individual personality traits, experiences, and preferences. Whenever I feel out of balance, or receive feedback that I am not being productive, I re-look at the list above, and re-calibrate accordingly. Gradually, like machine learning, I get where I need to be. Hope that helps!
I show my employees that i trust them, this empowers them and they feel a more sense of responsibility. sometimes it has fired back but most of the time it has worked for me, When some one is lagging I do let them know about it give them a couple of chances if not, we part gracefully. Always part ways gracefully that is something i try to make sure
I’m more of a hands-off leader who sets the vision and lets the team figure out the details. I believe in giving them space to make decisions and grow.
My focus on leading by example. Demonstrating the work ethic and values expected from the team sets a positive standard and fosters a strong team culture.
Premarket Bell