Marvin Mändle

What is the superpower of your product?


Our superpower is to strengthen the relationships between colleagues, even when they are thousands of kilometers apart.

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Amari Parker
The superpower of a product is the product's biggest game-changing capability or aspect that provides overwhelming value to customers in a novel way.
Marvin Mändle
@amari_pg so what's yours?;)
Victoria Koval
Growing from zero with minimum input :)
Salim Boudi
Superpower N1: Capturing issues and bugs on any live product / website in 1-click without bothering taking screenshots or manually annotating them. Superpower N2: Auto filled tickets with the captured screenshot and all the technical information developers need to reproduce and fix bugs and issues directly in our project management app so you don't have to bother filling long tickets anymore.
Hossein Yazdi
Our super power is its large database, clean UI and SEO optimization.
Aneesh Arora
Saving time and enabling the user to process a lot of information quickly.
Nafeel Jalaldeen
Ours is to drive businesses closer to their audiences seamlessly through effective communication campaigns.
Domas Sakavickas
I would say the simplicity. I'm building Shopify apps at the moment so the main thing on how I try to be different from competitors is a clean UX design. The tool itself is super simple, so for me spending much time to understand how to set it up sounds just ridiculous. Lucky me, most of the competitors make those apps really complicated 😄
Bret Lawrence
Our superpower is click, click, cash flow! Instantly unlock funds from outstanding invoices in just 3 clicks (aka get paid before a client pays you) completely private, no credit check 😮‍💨 😮‍💨
Stijn Verhaeghe
Making a super tedious task (documenting and updating company processes, training your team on those processes) much easier, faster and more impactful
Marvin Mändle
@stijn_verhaeghe great idea. When are you launching?
Our superpower is letting people build and manage powerful communities online with ease.
Marvin Mändle
@senthil99nathan shaping communities is a good mission! Is it a B2C product?
@marvin_maendle , our ICPs are brands, creators, coaches, solopreneurs, organizations, etc. So it's kinda both B2B and B2C.
Sandra Djajic superpower is saving the most valuable asset nowadays - time! Why wasting time on searching for a piece of information across all of the apps in your workspace, if Klu has a search bar for them all? Klu can also back you up by writing a newsletter or an article, based on the information from your developers or colleagues, stored in the cloud apps. AI-powered Search engine already sounds like a superpower to me :D
Carla Pezzo
Provide copyright protection for the files you share. We want to maximize content value, and increase exposure, all while maintaining control over content usage and distribution ©️
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@maurizioisendoorn and I have an idea that I've not seen before, so for us it's originality.
Addlly AI
The superpower of Addlly AI lies in its ability to generate high-quality, brand-focused marketing content efficiently, utilizing multiple cutting-edge AI models!
Nachiket Patel
Our product's superpower is simplicity in publishing Instagram feed widget. Many new features will be introduced soon! If you want to check the product, please check the website here - Web app link -
Maria Anosova 🔥
The super power is that you can solve an infinite number of cases in one place (
Maurizio Isendoorn
You can decrease your customer support team from 10 people to 1 person. At almost no cost
Catherine Madden
People see value in the value we provide that they want to donate their free time to get involved. Knowing your users, customers - really knowing them, meeting them in person, getting to know them
Span Chen
our SEO is perfect.
its simplicity and impact in everyday use