These cute and furry creatures can sometimes tire people a lot. What are the issues that you have the most difficulty with regarding pet care and that you think there should be a solution?
I have a guinea pig, and the only thing I don't like is that you need to constantly monitor what they eat and sometimes buy exceptional food for them. For example, I read from here that guinea pigs sometimes need to be given celery. And I hate celery, and it turns out I have to buy a lot of celery, especially for the guinea pig, although I don't eat it at all! Well, I think it's not exactly the most challenging part, but it still really pisses me off sometimes. And so I see only one advantage if you are a path parent because there is always a beautiful and sweet creature who loves you next to you.
The most difficult part of being a pet parent is that , it is hard to see them in pain and you can't do anything about them. I had a bird. He was ill , so my brother took him to vet for the bumble foot. He gave medicines to him. I thought he was getting better but he died. I don't if it was bumble foot or the age because he 7-8 years and they live up to that age. It was difficult for all my family to let him go because he was a huge part of our family. He was cheerful , had a great bonding with us.
The most challenging part of being a pet parent is when I am leaving them for work. It breaks my heart whenever I leave the house leaving them. I miss them all the time.
Furs everywhere, constantly dirty floors, how to teach a puppy not to use a floor as a toilette. Gosh, I guess I'm quite lucky with my dog 'cause I really don't have much problems with it.
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