Begüm Bayram

What is the most difficult part of being a pet parent?

These cute and furry creatures can sometimes tire people a lot. What are the issues that you have the most difficulty with regarding pet care and that you think there should be a solution?

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I have a guinea pig, and the only thing I don't like is that you need to constantly monitor what they eat and sometimes buy exceptional food for them. For example, I read from here that guinea pigs sometimes need to be given celery. And I hate celery, and it turns out I have to buy a lot of celery, especially for the guinea pig, although I don't eat it at all! Well, I think it's not exactly the most challenging part, but it still really pisses me off sometimes. And so I see only one advantage if you are a path parent because there is always a beautiful and sweet creature who loves you next to you.
Jaskiran Kaur
The most difficult part of being a pet parent is that , it is hard to see them in pain and you can't do anything about them. I had a bird. He was ill , so my brother took him to vet for the bumble foot. He gave medicines to him. I thought he was getting better but he died. I don't if it was bumble foot or the age because he 7-8 years and they live up to that age. It was difficult for all my family to let him go because he was a huge part of our family. He was cheerful , had a great bonding with us.
Arminda Cayce
Travelling, I can't just wake up and decide to travel😩
Eunice Ebrada
Based of my experienced, I had Six cutie dogs, I'm having difficulty of trying to disciplined them. It super chaos.
Stanislav Zverev
If you love animals as I love them, then there is no difficulty in caring for them. It happens somehow by itself. No complications.
Travel, Teething, Health, Attention issues when you have more than one pet.
Umut Can Duran
FURS EVERWHERE I want to buy a robot hoover but I dont know if it is worth to price.
The most challenging part of being a pet parent is when I am leaving them for work. It breaks my heart whenever I leave the house leaving them. I miss them all the time.
Rittey Aaron
I am here for the comments because I am just about to become one! Well I guess I need to know this!
Alexa Vovchenko
Furs everywhere, constantly dirty floors, how to teach a puppy not to use a floor as a toilette. Gosh, I guess I'm quite lucky with my dog 'cause I really don't have much problems with it.
joshua mendoza
leaving them alone
Leaving them at home while you work. :(
Theo Masunga
My cat being too busy for me
Jubayer 2698
Oh God,
this little fur balls never seem to get tired!! no number of walks is enough for them.
Saroar Alam
Yah Great
Eli Becerril Wong
to be apart of your pet-child.
Zoya Matin
Losing them. So so heartbreaking - can never be prepared for it.
Pablo Hotz
If I am working out of town and I have to find someone to take care of her while i'm gone