Guta Raspanti

What is the best way to work with Stripe?

Hi everyone! I've reached the point where I need to decide how to integrate Stripe into my app. I have three options: embedding a pricing table on my website, offering subscriptions on my website with a Checkout integration, or using prebuilt components and custom UIs to create a custom subscriptions page. Which option do you guys recommend? I started with the first option, but I realized that I wouldn't have much control over how my checkout process would occur. However, I'm trying to use the Stripe API, and I've been having difficulty understanding the documentation. I'm feeling a little bit stupid because everybody says that Stripe is really easy to use, but I'm struggling right now. πŸ˜” If anyone has any tutorials to recommend, I would greatly appreciate it! πŸ˜‰

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Ava Campbell
The best way to work with Stripe is to integrate their API into your application or website, use their well-documented documentation and developer tools, ensure secure data handling by following PCI compliance standards, and leverage their extensive community support and online resources for any challenges or questions you may encounter during the integration process.
You've probably already tried this but, have you asked Chat GPT for help? It usually takes me a long time to figure out how to integrate existing APIs I'm not experienced with but I usually give ChatGPT a boilerplate of what I'm trying to do and it'll write it for you (since it has knowledge of the Strip documentation) E.g. "Here's my function where I want to check if user X has already paid, i have their stripe_id, can you finish it so it checks with the stripe APIs that they've paid and returns true/false?"