Victor Ponamariov

What is missing in the educational UI/UX market? 🤔


Hi there. The question might be vague. I'm a developer who also became a content creator, and I write about UI/UX. Published a few books. Run Twitter and newsletter. Now, I can see that there are a lot of books and courses out there. Related to any topic. However, I want to create something that has much higher quality and at least at some degree unique. As an inspiration, I always refer to, but I'm not sure. I know (more or less) how to grow audience. At least I'm confident here. I know that I can write good articles, use SEO, and all that. The question is: what for? Would an interactive custom-written platform that has all possible topics related to design (and even code snippets) be a good thing? People previously advised me to start small, and I did, and I got some results (revenue), but these are general books and there are a lot of other equivalents. Do you have any ideas in mind that might be "oh, if there was such a course I would definitely use it and share with others". Something premium, pricy, still WORTH it.

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Standing on the beach with a garden, you can not only see the bees in the flowers collecting honey, but also see the cargo ships sailing in the distance
Santiago Alonso
I feel like the market is oversaturated with similar products/courses. If I was a student today I'd love to see real projects, real teams, real meetings, real feedback. Almost like a live-stream of a day in a life of a designer, including the good, the bad and the ugly. Ryan Singer ( has been sharing great stuff for years. I would pay for long-form videos like this one:
Aleksey Razbakov
@madebysan I love watching people work on real problem and totally agree with you! When you see experts in action it's priceless! I loved to watch design-lynch with Artemy Lebedev, where he was reviewing others work in public. Lots of things to learn! Btw, awesome video, thx for sharing!
Santiago Alonso
@victor_ponamariov agree on the NDA comment, it's very tricky. My problem with redesigns is that there is no context around any technical, business or user constraint when making designs decisions, it's unrealistic. Most real work is working around constraints and making trade-off. Another idea I would love to see more are UX video audits or design reviews in general, there are a lot of designers offering these as productized services but not that many are public. Example
Aleksey Razbakov
I launched an internship program at WeDance and every day I get 5-20 applications from junior developers and designers who are looking for experience. All of them are struggling to find an entry-level paid job. Here are 3 ideas for you. 1) **Semantics.** Interesting that 90% of case studies look alike and you can read there "my design process", "design systems", etc. In practice it's not the case. Biggest issue I see is lack of semantics, abstract thinking, skill of grouping and summarizing. How to learn and develop those skills? I haven't found any course that would teach it. 2) **Communication.** I feel that all design bootcamps fake the essential part of work on the project - work in team, communication and talk with real users. And designers learn only how to work on their own and don't get any in-field experience. 3) **Real examples.** I am struggling to organize a work of multiple designers working in Figma. I can't find any real-project examples, I only see videos and screenshots of small apps. I love to learn by copying, re-creating and extending. Works great with code in open source projects, not so well in UI/UX.
Nik Hazell
Have you come across Memorisely - or Zander Whitehurst? He's a friend of mine, who's made a splash in the UI/UX education space - he's doing some awesome work, and well worth checking out for inspiration, or a collaboration! Let me know how you find his content
Ognjen Divljak
The one thing I'm struggling to find is courses for the mid/senior level. The industry is crowded with beginner courses, but what's lacking are mid/senior-level courses.
Kritika Jain
- There is a lack of immersive and engaging educational UIs & UX that are tailored well to the needs of students. - These UIs & UX should be designed with an aim to improve student retention and comprehension. - They should be easy to use, intuitive, and attractive.
Gal Moran
I'd say how to conduct a proper, effective, efficient research (and competitors research). I think that UX/UI designers that also do some product work are not going to vanish
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