Terrence Kelleman

What is behind the play Musk is making for OpenAi?


In today's exclusive article by Washington Post: https://www.wsj.com/tech/elon-mu...
Musk is bidding to buy control of OpenAi's non-profit division.

It seems Musk can't stand anyone having cooler toys than he has. After criticism that the "Stargate" funding wasn't real he now seems to be making a reversal of interest and is making a play for control.

This is interesting in many ways given revelations about @deepseek but I'm curious what the PH community thinks about the world richest man pulling strings to change the structure of OpenAi and potentially merge it with his own floundering XAi?

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Terrence Kelleman
yes I understand the history but Musk treats OpenAi like an ex-girlfriend who he can't let it go of (unlike his actual ex's) and I just couldn't believe it's just a childish jealousy. I was hoping for a more profound backstory. 🤷‍♂️
Tania Bell

@terrence_kelleman you're looking for depth where there's none.

it's pure unadulterated egos and megalomania. (w/ some substances throwing in, allegedly)

Occam's razor, my friend

in some ways, it's fascinating. in the olden days (pre social media) all of this stuff would have been happening behind closed doors, with occasional leaks in the press and an obligatory film 5/10 years after the fact thrown in.

these days we all (well, those of us who are interested) get a front row seat to watch the drama unfold. neither will back down. get your pop corn.

Matt Levine's (at bloomberg) analysis and commentary of E's financial escapades are, in equal measure, hilarious and educational

Tania Bell

as I'm sure you know, EM funded OAI for a number of years so it's not so surprising he wants to control it now that - he apparently feels (with some justification) - OAI is straying from its founding principles too much.

ofc there are some very sizeable egos involved, clashes of the said egos are inevitable etc. etc.

Elena Kasyan

Маск умён и талантлив, не думаю что человек осваивающий космос глупей нас

Elena Kasyan

@terrence_kelleman Глупость и непомерную жадность, к счастью для человечества, Маск не обладатет этим низкими качествами. А для Вас? Где кроется испуг?

Terrence Kelleman
@elena_kasyan where is the laughing emoji instead of up voting! So sad to see this level of sniveling on PH. obviously you have no intention of real communication as you can't even figure out how to run a translation app for your moronic pathetic comments.