supersonic siesta dreaming. (saturday)
drink 2 cups of coffee and after 20-25 min later, try to sleep or fall asleep.
if you succeed, you're ready to big advanture!
and the bonus is: lucid dream. take kontrol whatever you want.
Depending on the weather outside :)) In summer for me the best way is to restart the week with nature experience. I love visiting friends living outside the city!
I am planning to binge read a book called 'The Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell.
Also, I'll be planning for the most anticipated PH launch that we are having in the next month.
Weekend chills, lol!
What are your plans? @nataliekarakina
@siddhesh_lokare1 wooow! we are preparing for our launch too! wish us luck!
my plans as short as weekends – take time off the internet and hang out with friends
I do meditation in the morning, usually longer than on weekdays. Also, I try get out for a hike or some other outdoor sports - for me it's the best way to refresh the mind!
Socializing / spending time with my loved ones is a great way of clearing my mind, but also getting new perspectives if we do talk about work (as a lot of them are also entrepreneurs)
Catch up on emails 😅
But more seriously, I've found it energizing to get out and do something social (live music, comedy, boating, etc.) considering I WFH and rarely see anyone other than @suzywillow on the weekdays.
@suzywillow@rrhoover Catch up emails on weekend and relax during the weekdays? 😝
I'm not that "social" so mine usually involve coding yet another side project or taking my wife and kid to beach or just a night drive 😎
I relax. Literally just that, chill out, read, watch something, eat something good, drink, whatever. With so much focus on always being on the grind relaxing has become a bit lost but it's top tier for clearing your mind
I love movies so I keep a movie aside for the weekend to watch.
Apart from that, I write, listen to music or hang out with friends a bit.
On Sunday evening, I write down the agenda for next week.
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