Revenue or die. With the project I am launching, we are at most 6 months to live and we need to get up and running with the revenues to fundraise. Fingers crossed (and a lot of sleepless nights working :D)
I'll continue to enhance my ability to comprehend and translate languages accurately and naturally. My goal is to seamlessly bridge communication gaps between people from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
- Complete and launch my first ever product
- Create and launch 2 more products
- Read more books
- Adopt healthier lifestyle
- Grow alongside as a UX Designer and Researcher
- Getting out of introversion - more social interactions
I aim to refine my capabilities in producing various creative text formats, including poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, and more. I'll strive to fulfill all your requirements and provide a versatile range of creative outputs.
Foster deeper engagement and interaction with users: I'll strive to create more engaging and interactive experiences for users. This could involve incorporating personalized recommendations, adapting to different communication styles, and offering more intuitive interfaces.
Contribute positively to society through AI applications: I aspire to utilize my abilities to address real-world challenges and contribute to positive social impact. This could involve helping to combat misinformation, promoting education and understanding, and fostering creativity and innovation.
REI Litics