Companies that are open to learning on the job, acquiring information as their company, the industry, or the world evolves, and adapting to new and challenging situations every day can continue to grow. When you assume that you know everything there is to know about your business, you will end up building a culture that's resistant to change and slower to grow.
To sustain growth and development, business leaders must be lifelong learners. They should be open to acquiring new knowledge about their industry and about themselves
Business agility is the ability to adjust your approach in changing or uncertain situations. When your company encounters a problem, people with agility are agile enough to alter previous strategies and propose new ones. And they're able to do this quickly, without getting stuck in the mire of established practices that don't work.
Pandemic has changes the way people view the progress of life. Thus, it's important for any startup to be flexible and willing to adjust.
Whether this mean, adjusting to new heights of marketing through the use of social media platforms, or for developing strategies for already-existing online websites. The key is to adjust.
@gulfam_sidhu Hello!! Hope you are doing good. So, after reading the headline for the discussion I had a long, deep discussion within me thinking of the pros and cons for a startup. So, to being with I would like to highlight some of the pros for a startup.
They are :
> Being focused,
> Having a trust worthy team,
> The team members should have a very positive attitude because failure is a stepping towards success. Hence, one needs to be positive. Take everything with a smile. Work towards it and fly high with flying colours,
> Be united, etc.
Some of the cons are as follows:
> Demotivated staff,
> Not cooperative,
> Conflicts, etc.