I have a VPN service configured on my router (I use opnsense) to make sure that every device on my network can benefit from it (including IoT devices). I also have a Pi-Hole instance running as my primary DNS server.
I often use VPN programs. A VPN masks your IP address by redirecting it through a specially configured remote server managed by a VPN provider. As a result, the VPN server you use becomes your data source. So your ISP and other outsiders won't be able to track what sites you visit or what data you enter. A VPN acts as a filter, turning all the information you send and receive into nonsense. A VPN from https://www.namecheap.com/vpn/ has proven particularly good. Even if the information falls into the hands of criminals, they won't be able to use it.
Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security
Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security
Pretty Funnels
Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security
Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security
Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security