We're currently #2 on Product Hunt. Here are some tips for future launchers...
• Create a coming soon page
• Reach out to every single person you know (family, friends groups, sports groups, work groups), and get them to follow your coming soon page
• Reach out to your users and get them to follow your coming soon page
• Start engaging on Product Hunt 1 month before - engage in discussions, respond to comments, write discussion questions, follow people, upvote products, write reviews, etc.
• Join Slack communities that support launches 1 month before, upvote and support all launches
• Join FB groups that support launches (rinse and repeat)
• Join Telegram groups that support launches (rinse and repeat)
• Create following and engage on Twitter (wish I did this more)
• Send teaser emails to users leading up to launch
• Find where all your PH followers hang out e.g. LinkedIn and Twitter and connect with them, follow their content, and see if they will support your launch
And for launch day:
• Make sure you have lots of votes for the golden hour
• Send 2 emails to users spread out (one for EMEA, Australia/NZ early on & one later in the day for US, South America, Canada)
• Respond to all comments
And that's it!
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