I think it definitely adds trust!
But, that being said they 100% have to be genuine or I can't think of a quicker way to lose credibility and trust from those that catch on.
@joshuns Definitely harder to do, if it's a brand new product I always am a bit skeptical when someone has "Used by XYZ" and they're incredibly large brands.
When I've been skeptical about landing page social proof, like stats for example, I've looked into what they might be claiming, and have found some definite bs'ers.
However, I think someone could do the same research level of quick research fi they have a feeling of unease about someone's claims. It's just a bit harder as there's typically no articles being written saying "YES, HP does use XYZ."
Little bit of a messy reply but I hope this helps!
@joshuns For sure! The time I had in mind for my comment was a Saas company claiming they've impacted over 1.2 billion businesses. Now, I didn't know how many businesses there were globally but I knew it wasn't anywhere near 1.2 billion, cause... how? haha.
But a simple Google search stated numbers that were WAY lower. So clearly the number was a mistake, or, just bs. However, both impacted how I felt about the company and it's product, leading me to not even test it out.
But when it comes to sources, I think it matters what you're searching for. If a company's claiming a medical benefit for their product, I wouldn't verify it off Buzzfeed.
But if a company's claiming they've impacted 1.2 billion businesses, it's easier to just search for a rough statistic to how many businesses there are globally and see that it's not even in the realm of possibility.
@carter_barnett very good point about the source being sector or topic specific. Thanks for the amazing resposne. More importantly, How's your launch going??
@highgroundio thanks Mark, interested to hear whether they would link out e.g. to the integrators website / an internal site LP detailing the integration / or no link just logo?
@joshuns we arent linking right now but we will be soon. Its more useful if you know the vendor to have them link back to your site though , so have them feature you on their integrations site for example
Have seen them logos on may sites. they never link to anything, and I have often wondered whether they are for real. Have they influenced my subscription decision? Can't say they have, but I might be in a minority
@kkumarkg 👍that makes sense to measure impact on CR.
And in the scenario you mentioned where you "wonder if they were for real"? Or would it only impact your decision if they did link out
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