Anar Hagverdiyev

The night before launch: is it possible to sleep?

Well, this night has come, and after the routine of various things, I thought, what will happen tomorrow? Is everything ready? This is the first launch on the PH, a dark tunnel waiting for the light at the end. The night before launch: is it possible to sleep? The timer has started. 😁

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Thomas Halbritter
Since I am launching today it just happened to me. Was fine but I woke up too early and could not go back to sleep. Excitement was too big.
Anar Hagverdiyev
@thomashalbritter How I understand you, my friend! But with the first comments, this excitement already goes away, and you focus on the answers))
Thomas Halbritter
@anar_hagverdiyev Absolutely! Planning everything the day before helps a ton. Scheduled an email issue and social media posts in advance!
Stephan Minos
OH wow I also understand you because it is your first launch on PH, take a deep breath and prepare to be active at the time of launch, making sure your page looks good and clear.
Chris Lester
The excitement is unmatched
Anar Hagverdiyev
@chrislester Hey Chris, Various combinations of how all this will happen cyclically occur in my head.)))
Philipp Jackson
You just need to do this, because launch day takes 24h of your attention after voting start! Good luck!
Daxeel Soni
Wow you did great! You secured place in top 10 at #9. How was your experience?
Anar Hagverdiyev
@daxeelsoni Hi Daxeel! We got new experiences every minute. Positions fall and rise. We are trying to react quickly and as a team. We hope to rise higher.))))
Jay •
I hope you did get some sleep because the launch day is going to be long one, Anar. When we launched, we felt very fatigued 4 hours into the launch, something we didn’t anticipate at all. Answering questions, responding to community, the constant checking of the rank and tons of reaching out sort of drained us big time. We had less sleep the day before and it effected the energy next day costing us few hours of work. When you want to make it to the top, those few hours of extra effort might mean everything. I wish you a great launch! Keep building!
Jacopo Proietti
I wish you the best of luck on your launch 🚀 will check it out and support!
Anar Hagverdiyev
@jacopo_proietti Hi Jacopo! Thank you for your support! Morning came quickly, and even before breakfast, we continued to solve small development issues.)))
Shajedul Karim
night before launch, sleep's hard to catch, right? all the 'is everything ready?' thoughts. try to rest though, you'll need it for the big day. it's like, do your best, then let it happen. anyone else got tips for launch night? how do you chill enough to sleep?
Anar Hagverdiyev
@shajedulkarim_ Hi Shajedul! I don’t think that everyone who launches on PH has everything ready. We are all enthusiasts, driven by ideas, and thoughts racing in our heads. There are always moments that are unfinished or missed!
Don't put too much pressure on yourself! Only when you are well rested can you have more energy to put into your work.
Anar Hagverdiyev
@shirley9606 Hi Shirley! I understand this)) But I want to predict how it will all happen. And there is excitement about how our work will be appreciated by community members.
Dariush Abbasi
How is it going?
Delia Wu
It's our launch day today, I've stayed up all night last night! Feeling I'll need a full day sleep tomorrow. We are building a Chat version of Photoshop. Please support us here:
lol Is that super exciting isn't it?
Ghost Kitty
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Anar Hagverdiyev
@mansi_trivedi1 I wish you a successful launch Mansi)) We launched today and are holding 9th place. The process itself is very interesting.