Mahamadu Illiasu

Testing engineering team, create it search it


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Kelly Storms
hello how are you how are you doing We didn't get to meet yet My name is Kelly It's nice to meet you Welcome to the team. this is great I love to see the initiative that you're taking. What we do here is we give feedback for all the products that are put out here the and the team experts that help them. We are here to give our feedback on each of the products that we take in and we move among the 213 platforms that we are on. I know you just started with us and we are going to have an introduction from Jerry soon to introduce us to you and you to us. we don't sell anything here. we will explain everything here soon OK thank you though it it was very thoughtful. I will be back with you in about an hour OKAY If you're up because I don't know where you're from I don't know anything about you yet but I'm sure Jerry's gonna bring it up
Alexi Mendoza
Hello Mr Mahamadu Illiasu. my name is Alexi it is very nice to meet you jerry will be introducing all of us tonight he will be going over some of the details with you and about you to us and then he will relay information and decals about us to you. so that way we will meet next week and we will all be familiar with each other and we can continue being successful on who we are and what we are and what we're about. This is a platform that is for testers to test makers products and to give feedback to the teams and makers who worked so diligently to bring out new and improved means for businesses online all over the world. welcome to the team and we will see you later