Stop hurting your business now on LinkedIn !
Few tips to people who use InMail or direct messaging to reach new people on LinkedIn to sell them :
1/ Stop using generic messages for your InMail if you have not segmented well your audience, it is like sending an email to a guy asking him to buy women shoes ?!! Focus on your audience first !
2/ Do not automate your messages if yo have not test them before ? you are trying to be efficient but you have not achieved the first step which consist in knowing your funnel well and know what to optimise in this automated journey .
3/ If you send a connection request and then you shoot a selling message just after that expecting a reply, you either are ignorant to the sales rules or have no clue how to create trust and credibility with your new connection !
4/ Stop selling stating your product is the BEST !! try to see the pain points of your leads ? ask them what are their challenges ? imagine someone calling you on the phone and telling you how great their product is :))
I receive many direct messages and I try nicely to ask people not to sell me straightforward but instead ask them to tell me more about themselves and what they are interested in ! 9 out 10 they do not reply .... and they are the ones asking for the connection !!
I also invite them to review my profile and the content they sent me which does not match and I got 1 out 10 message to ask me if I want to get a call or meet to still sell me their service !! Ding Dong ... you are supposed to readjust your sales approach not push harder ???
Please please reassess your funnel/journey you are building and automating , because you are currently causing more harm than you are create benefit to your business !
#sales #people #linkedin #email #content