Jon Whitby

Should emails and messages be sent only during working hours or anytime?


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Maria Lozovaya
I think the question of sending messages outside of working hours is a question of consent. If the person has a strict schedule and is very strict about accepting messages at specific hours, it's better to stick to it while communicating with this person. But if the person has a more flexible schedule, why not? But also with flexible schedules, it's important to communicate to your colleagues when you are available and when you are not or everything can get very confusing very quickly.
Emily Willis
Launching soon!
Playing devil's advocate here! If senior workers send emails after hours frequently, does it make more junior workers feel like they should too?
Mekyal Amiri
For companies operating across different time zones or with remote staff in various locations, dealing with time differences is inevitable. However, recipients should have the autonomy to respond at their convenience, whether it's outside regular working hours or when they're online according to their usual schedule.
Jon Whitby
Launching soon!
Everyone should feel comfortable sending messages and emails at times that suit them, rather than sticking to a strict 9-5 schedule. By encouraging flexible work, we hope teams embrace it while also ensuring they switch off outside their working hours and don't check their emails.
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
I try to keep it between working (ish) hours between 8h am and 19h am. Otherwise I just plan to send! I feel like it's just more appropriate and makes it feel more professional, but that's just my opinion
Terrence Kelleman
*solo-preneurs excluded*
Sending emails and messages during working hours ensures timely responses. However, flexibility is key. Some matters are urgent, but respect others' off-hours.
Martina Galdos
it depends... I feel that in an ideal world, only business hours, and if not schedule the message. But it all depends on your working style, you need to know who you are emailing. For people-pleaser people, getting emails/messages at all times can be a challenge, cause they are always tempted to answer, but they should set up boundaries if they don't want to get those anymore.. Also, my work mantra is, if work is flexible with me, I'm flexible with work.