@stephanie_totty ok, ok. Let's see. How about "Instant data pipelines for advertising." or "data pipelines for advertising in a wink." or "1-click data pipelines for advertising."
Reduce wrinkles and get more glowing and healthy skin. Not in Instagram, in real life
Still working on it. Will reeeally appreciate the feedback. What do you think?
@ilya_uglianitsa How about this for a start "Real glowing and healthy skin. No filters required." I think Glowing and Healthy suggest better looking skin, no need to mention wrinkles. But if you're looking to agitate peoples fear of wrinkles you could do this "Reduced wrinkles and glowing skin. No filters required.".
@abco_specialties "Director of Creative Technology" or "Creative Technology Director". I think the word Creative suggest digital so I axed it. For now anyway, that may change when people start building AI controlled Robot artist.
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