Andrew Dodds

Share your build!

Hey Everyone, Newer to product hunt, but have been building in no code tools for the last 5 years. Would love to hear about what people are building right now. I'm currently working on a platform for incident monitoring and response for integration and automation tools like Zapier. Building in bubble. What are you up to?

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Michaelson Williams
I'm currently building a no code fitness and crypto rewards app. I'm having so much fun with the build and how I want the logic to work! We monetize almost everything these days, so I was thinking why not do the same with home health and fitness. I read a Forbes article that said more and more people will choose to WFH next year. My thoughts are if you work from home then you'll also find the need to fit from home. Then I thought if people are exercising at home more than why not create a way to them to earn from it? So the ADM Fitness Effect app was created. What do you think Andrew, am I on the right path? ADM: https://admfitnesseffect.glide.p... I'm building my app with Glideapps
Fabian Maume
There is quite a strong interest in no-code on product hunt. You can check out the topic for it, to see other product in the field: