Vika Floyd

One sentence pitch. What is your product?


You can praise your product a lot. But if you had the opportunity to interest a prospective in just one sentence. What would you say about your product?

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Zainab Saeed
Collaborative digital learning platform.
Vika Floyd
@zainab_saeed1 today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Jakub Piskor
Startup lessons in 250 characters and less. (
Vika Floyd
@jakub_piskor @contactsto_contact guys thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Rahul Patel
DhiWise is a programming platform where developers can convert their designs into developer-friendly code, it also automates the application development lifecycle and instantly generates readable, modular, and reusable code for Mobile and Web apps.
Vika Floyd
@rahul_patel12 today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Peter Pistorius
The data you code against is as important than the code, so code against production accurate with Snaplet.
A small, long-lasting smart device to track your child, pets, vehicle or anything from within a close proximity of fewer centimeters to across the world ( Appreciate your response here -
@contactsto_contact Thanks Will for sharing this here. We haven't really started working on our SEOs, websites, etc. We are in the product design/development phase and plan to focus on our website sooner.
@contactsto_contact I think so for some pitches. For example, whatever we pitch (one sentence) talks about our product design (a small, long-lasting smart device) that would need to be take care during our Product Design/Development Phase. Else, it can go wrong.
Surie Ma
In-app subscription analytics platform, transform real-time data to actionable insights ( Our beta program is open:
Vika Floyd
@surie_ma thanks, I will test it! here is my tool, maybe you find it interesting and useful
Christopher Chae
Relate ( is a whole new sales CRM that makes sales easy.
@christopher_chae Hey Chris, I've been following relate since Slack & FIgma tool you guys have built. Good seeing you on here.
Vika Floyd
@christopher_chae @phil_schwengel guys, here is our product, hope you can support it, thanks!
Bharadwaj Giridhar
Preview Test, & Improve Outreach Emails
Vika Floyd
@goforbg thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Artem Holub
API-driven SaaS Billing Solution to create and improve long-term interactions with customers (
Vika Floyd
@artem_holub_v thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Taking care of your health is the most important thing in life!
Vika Floyd
@accesscarepharmacy thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Developing a new discount app that helps people save money and enjoy it :)
The ONLY workspace you will ever need. 🙌
Vika Floyd
@karolina3 Karolina thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Erica Straub
Infinitely customizable avatars augment conversations with rich, two-sided interactions, creating countless possibilities to communicate with friends!
Hélène SAN
Design interactive web stories, forms, quizzes, and surveys and embed them everywhere on the web
Vika Floyd
All in one sales conversation tool We will launch our tool here on Thursday, so I hope you will find it interesting and useful!
Vika Floyd
@djteknokid thanks! we are launching, hope for your support!
Yarik Skov
A task management app that helps you stay focused and get things accomplished. We just launched today! Check us out here: (
Vika Floyd
@yarikskov hi, I am launching a new product, hope for your support!
Chris Watson
Services that help people simplify their work, and make their product more effective for the final user! Check us out here: (
Vika Floyd
@excellentweb_australia thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Tristan Dyer
Stashpad is the developer notepad, it's the fastest way to take notes without interrupting your flow.
Rich Watson
A free social trading app for retail traders to collaborate, supporting all stocks, futures, forex, & crypto markets.
Vika Floyd
@richw thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)
Rich Watson
@new_user_20551d3f52 I voted & commented earlier. If you would subscribe to our upcoming page where we'll announce our launch date & when launch is live would greatly appreciate it.
Ghost Kitty
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Vika Floyd
@siddhartha_dange thanks for joining our discussion! today my product is live, so I hope you can support us)