Kate Ramakaieva

New Year resolutions, ready?

Hey guys! Have you prepared your plans for the coming year yet? One of my recurring resolutions every year is to learn new languages. Today, the team from VocAdapt https://www.producthunt.com/posts/vocadapt launched a product that makes language learning fun and easy by adapting YouTube videos to your language level. I love watching TED Talks - I tried the app, and it works really well for better understanding! What are your NY resolutions?

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Garrett Adams
I try to focus on being a better version of myself each day. Little changes make the biggest impact for me.
Anton Koroviakov
Hi Kate! Thank you for mentioning us! For me the answer is very easy - I want to scale one more language (and for the commitment to be pretty challenging, I'll pick perhaps Chinese) 🙃
James Cooper
Hi Kate, One of my New Year resolutions is also to learn language. I hope I can learn Japanese more efficiently and reach an intermediate level at least.
Haven Gawkins
Yes! Some of the resolutions will now be new ( it has been a crazy year, so I haven't done everyting I wanted ), and there will be for sure new. And this time I feel myself more motivated, and I'll do my best