Sharath Kuruganty

New to the Product Hunt community? Introduce yourself here and say hello!

Reply with: 1) Name 2) What you do 3) Help you can offer And let others discover you.

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Henry Mosley
I have experience in writing articles and business trainings, but I will introduce myself. 1) Henry Mosley 2) Writing professional articles on business and growth. 3) I can help you find professional courses, write the necessary article.
Tom Jacquesson
I'm not that new, but have been a lurker a long time before becoming more active over the past year. So here I go! 1) Tom Jacquesson 2) Made Tweet Hunter (#1 Product of the Day a few days ago) 3) I can help with finding your first users or building an audience
Emily Hodgins
@tomjacquesson Hey Tom! What prompted the change from long time lurker to becoming active? Congrats on your recent launch πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Tom Jacquesson
@ejsnowdon a big part of it is becoming a maker again myself. I initially started hanging here around 2013 I think, right at the beginning. Years went by and I was upvoting products every now and then. Then I stopped for some reason. Re-created an account maybe a year ago as I knew I was gonna start building again. As for doing more than upvote or publish products myself, I very recently started interacting here. One of the reasons is I'm really interested in the issues makers are facing. I think the main one is distribution, and there are a lot of insights to get here!
Emily Hodgins
@tomjacquesson wow you were super early! Distribution certainly can be a big challenge for many makers. Love that you're digging in with the insights and building products to help.
@tomjacquesson always a pleasure to hear 'lurker to maker' stories. I'm a Tweet Hunter user and love what you and @thibaultll have built. I've also received the emails. Love them. Really makes things clear on how to use the product most effectively :)
Tom Jacquesson
Thanks Aditya! I'm glad you like the tool and the emails!
Ignacio Suarez OrdoΓ±ez
1-Ignacio 2-SDR 3-give real feedback to those who are interested in the launch of a product
Manikaran Singh
@ignacio_suarez_ordonez Not sure how to share. When trying to put the app URL in comment, it gives me a INVALID CONTENT DETECTED error.
Ignacio Suarez OrdoΓ±ez
@peter_costello Done! I’d be honoured to have your feedback too, we just launched our product on PH today - Momentum.
Hey @ignacio_suarez_ordonez πŸ‘‹ if you come across any bugs on Product Hunt as well, do let us know πŸ˜‰
Dafni Chontou
1) Dafni Chontou 2) Building Wonderpath, a growth planning tool for individuals: 3) I can help with problem discovery, prototyping, learning no-code, and anything related to personal growth and goal setting.
Peter Costello
@dafnihnd Would love to hear your thoughts on my habit tracker and Goals template.
Hey @dafnihnd! I was introduced to Wonderpath by Tanya and love what you are building :)
Dafni Chontou
Thanks a lot @adityavsc! So excited to have you using Wonderpath. I'm a message away if I can help with anything :)
Donia Ahmed
Hey everyone, I'm fresh new here and I like to be part of the community here 1)I'm Donia Abdelgawad 2) community coordinator (shifted my career two months ago) 3)communicating with people and giving feedback to whoever needs in launching of a product
Manikaran Singh
Hi @donia_ahmed , we're launching an android bug reporter here soon. Would love to have your feedback. :) Thanks!
Emily Hodgins
@donia_ahmed hi Donia! Welcome πŸŽ‰
Donia Ahmed
@ejsnowdon thank you so much
Victor David
Hi Everybody, My name is Victor David. I've been an ex-pat (from the United States) for over 10 years. I'm currently working on a service that I'll get on PH later. I'm so new here that my profile has a little balloon next to it which I guess means I'm in danger of floating away but I do hope to stay anchored. I'm enjoying the community and am right now also enjoying a cup of my favorite coffee. Happy to connect and share.
Emily Hodgins
@codemongo Don't float away Victor David! Excited to have you join the community. Looking forward to seeing your product launch πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Victor David
@ejsnowdon Thanks Emily. Wow, you've been quite busy with a lot of projects! Keep up the good work. As a doggie person (have three rescued from the street), I especially love the Good Dog app that you're part of.
Emily Hodgins
@codemongo ah fellow dog lover! I have a mini schnauzer and a mini schnoodle. Would do anything for those mad pups. :) I didn't work on Good Dog personally, just discovered a while back. I'm always interested in dog products 🐢
Alina Ihnatiuk
Hello friends! My name is Alina I am an internet marketer I can help with maintaining social media accounts, promoting, communicating with the media and audience of your business, and much more!
Hey @antonovna πŸ‘‹ welcome to Product Hunt! Have you found any interesting marketing tool via Product Hunt?
Sabina Iman
1) Sabina 2) Founder of a new dating app Blink 3) Happy to help with GTM and acquisition strategy
Victor David
@sabina_iman All the best with your app. It's not for me right now, but I have used dating apps in the past and I can relate to the problems you mention in your description. I'm glad you're addressing those issues with Blink and making things easier / safer.
Michael Silber
@sabina_iman How has the launch been going? When are you planning to expand to other cities?
Ruslan Kosolapov
@sabina_iman hi! can we have a short (15 min) talk about the tech side of your product? We develop, SaaS that does HA infrastructure for you app, and I collect tech startups stories, how do they do infrastructure, what problems are here and so on. If you experience problems with infrastructure, let's discuss how can we help you :)
Sabina Iman
@product_at_producthunt , we have released beta in Barcelona and now raising funds. The plan is to expand by Q3 2022.
Sabina Iman
@chinaza_okpechi , many thanks, we've developed that with the agency in Baku. Will be happy to share contacts if needed.
1) Daria Akhmetova 2) I work at ReSkript ( as a marketer and study business administration. 3) My team and I are preparing a series of interviews with startups members (preferably founders or creators, but it's not 100% necessary). Our main idea is not only to inspire other to-be-entrepreneurs but also to connect different startups that might find some solutions on other startups. If you want to participate in our interview and share your experience and knowledge, please, write to my colleague Martina. -By email: -By LinkedIn:
Hey @daryakhmetova πŸ‘‹ Interview series is a really nice initiative. How do you intend to present it? As a blog, e-book, video or any other exciting plan?
@adityavsc We plan to lauch it on our Instagram in a short form and on a blog page
@daryakhmetova superb! Just followed IG page. Love the ~aesthetics~
@adityavsc thanks!
1) Randi 2) Founder @ 3) Product Feedback if you are a podcaster, startup founder, business owner, or advertiser.
Ira GI
Hey! My name is Irina. I am the COO of the NTF platform. I can offer help selling or buying digital art
Michael Silber
@ira_gi What is the NFT platform called? It feels like such an interesting space to be in, with lots of consumer education to be done. Where are you all focusing to make yourselves standout?
Nim Ron
1) Nimrod Ron 2) Co-Founder and CEO of Amy - a tool that generates personal and actionable insights about connections and prospects. 3) Share and hear about Product Building, Management, Team Building and now more than ever - product hunt launch-prep experience:) Happy to connect!
Hey @nimrodron πŸ‘‹ - Amy looks really interesting. I've just subscribed to your Ship Upcoming Page (
Martina Hackbartt
Hey there :) 1) Martina 2) I'm a Project Manager at ReSkript & Biology+ Bioinformatics student 3) I'd be happy to brainstorm new ideas and different ways of doing things and improving products. Also, I'm willing to give feedback to anyone interested.
Sharath Kuruganty
Hey @martina_hackbartt! Welcome :) Curious do you want to share any tips on being a project manager?
Martina Hackbartt
@5harath Absolutely! I'd say one of the most important things is to be open/receptive. Being a project manager means doing a whooole lot of different tasks (even more in small/medium-sized companies) that require flexibility and adaptability. To me, it's so great to be able to get involved in so many areas! But many people might prefer to have set, defined, and focused tasks and that's also okay :) Any other project managers here who would like to share their tips?
Ruslan Kosolapov
@martina_hackbartt Hi! ReSkript looks amazing :) Can we have a short (15 min) talk about how do you do the infrastructure for ReSkript? We develop, SaaS that creates and manages HA infrastructure for your app, and I very interested in such stories. If you face troubles with your infrastructure, we definitely should have a talk :)
Jake Gutstein
Hey everybody! Joined last week. 1) Jake Gutstein 2) Co-Founder of Zest (An intuitive way to get better at cooking that integrates into daily life) 3) I can talk systemizing process to build something that people need rather than want. Instituting lean and repeatable systems when building an early-stage business.
Luciano Vizza
@jake_gutstein I'd love to learn more what you're working on with Zest! I write a weekly newsletter on cooking so I'm all about figuring out how to get better at it!
Jake Gutstein
@lucianovizza Let's chat! Wanna shoot over your email? Would love to hop on a call :)
Ruslan Kosolapov
@jake_gutstein sounds interesting! I love cooking, I'd like take a look on Zest. But sorry, I didn't catch what's Zest, is it a web application? media? could you point me? :)
Jake Gutstein
@ruslan_kosolapov @lucianovizza It's a native app! You can check out more at (coming soon)
Hi I'm newish (last couple of months I've been active) 1) Max Davis 2) Currently Making a New Twitch Extension 3) Well my day job is as a Risk Manager - so if anyone wants a risk review let me know :) But probably more relevant for the community here is that I'm an ideas guy, so if you're stuck, want some help brainstorming just give me a shout!
Hey @maxwellcdavis πŸ‘‹ Super excited to have you on the platform. Is the Twitch extension also related to risk management or something else? I see you're planning to launch it in January-ish πŸ˜‰ Is that correct?
@adityavsc No the Twitch Extension is a game/engagement tool for streamers, thankfully nothing to do with my day job :)! Yeah should be launching in January - it'll depend on how the focus group goes!
@maxwellcdavis wishing you all the best. If you need any launch assistance, we are just a message away :)
@adityavsc Cheers thanks!
The Coach Chris
I'm Chris. I'm a dedicated podcaster now in the SaaS/Startup world. I want to help more businesses use podcasting to build brand and get sales! (My real Twitter is @ChrisPodcasting)
Hey @thecoachchris_ πŸ‘‹ I checked out your Twitter account and am super pumped about your mission - to help startups and SaaS businesses 1. Get their first 1,000 paying users 2. Build massive brand impact 3. Connect with founders in their industry across the world Do you have any prospective guests in mind? You might want to check out Maker Stories ( and reach out to them :)
The Coach Chris
@adityavsc This is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much. I'd love to connect with people like Arvid Kahl, Andrew Gazdecki and Justin Walsh to name a few.
Nancy Chung
Hey Everyone! I'm Nancy, a freelance marketing specialist at Tada. I have been working on building partnerships and planning the content marketing strategies for Shopify apps and other Saas companies. I would love to help the community member get started on growth through partnerships and building a strong blog. Looking forward to connecting with all of you! :)
Carsten Pleiser
1. Carsten aka. C. 2. I build Micro SaaS, service businesses and am co-founder / run growth at 3. I can help you build out marketing foundations and enable growth once you've hit market fit.
Sharath Kuruganty
@ckpleiser Love the idea for Paperless. I see it's not launched on Product Hunt. Would you be interested to do one?
Kieran McCarthy
Hey everyone :D New here, have been watching behind the scenes at the amazing products people make and I'm about to release a product I have been working on over Covid through this portal! Would love feedback once it's up :) 1) My name is Kieran McCarthy 2) I'm a chef-turned software engineer! Love tech and hope to release my big project here 😍. 3) I can help support tech endeavors. Mostly a mobile engineer πŸ˜€
Sharath Kuruganty
@kieran_mccarthy2 Would love to know, how has the transition happened and what made you pick tech? Btw welcome :)
Kieran McCarthy
@5harath Thank you! Was trying to learn a new skill while working and ended up loving coding! Started with Udemy and never looked back! Love creating things!
Omar Laoudai
Hello, 1) Omar Laoudai 2) Marketing Manager for 3) I can help you on how to write a Cold Email That Interests Prospects, how To Find/Build Your Target Audience
Sharath Kuruganty
@omar_laoudai Omar, you should do a discussion on the topic cold emails. I'm such a big fan of it and would love to know your tips and tricks.
Omar Laoudai
@helga_elfsight Hello Helga, I am delighted to personally invite you to check our blog content that I think might be of interest to you, I stay at your disposal if you want to get in touch.