My Top 5 Launches From The Last Week (From The POV of a Startup Scout)
I used to be a startup scout, and one of my sources of deal flow was actually the Product Hunt leaderboard. For fun, I’m going to pick the top five products I find most interesting that launched in the last week from a scout POV. I’ll try to veer away from the top products each day to keep things interesting.
@Check Supply (Send checks in the mail) --> Takes something that’s been around for decades and feels like it’s stuck in the Stone Age, and lowers the friction to accomplish the task at hand. Do young Gen Z’ers even know how to write a check? I don't know, but I know many systems still rely on these. This makes sense.
@PickR (free e-sports prediction game) - Betting is in. I can bet on political events via @Polymarket. I can bet on sports. It’s natural to assume betting on e-sports is going to be just as big (if not bigger). I see PickR building the stepping stones to unlock the next wave of betting, for better or for worse. (I don’t even know if this is their intent, but this is where my brain went.)
@Zyler AI (Your AI agent for Google Analytics) - This is cool. I have analytics set up on my sites, but I honestly don’t check often. Even when I was full-time at a company, I didn’t check often. If I just had a full-time agent that monitored my site analytics and told me what I needed to know, it would feel specific, useful, and like something I’d pay for.
@Jam AI - (Your AI that writes bug reports + repro steps for you) - This just feels very useful in a world where a ton of non-technical people are coding with AI. Things will break. Jam will report the issues to an AI and maybe educate you in the process on what happened. Feels like a no-brainer.
@Trendtracker - Discover (Discover trends that matter instantly) -As AI becomes more and more dominant, the edge in business will become non-technical. Trendtracker isn’t something AI can do for you. It can spot trends, but you need to pick the ones worth diving into. It's a human decision to build conviction to bet on a space. Feels like an anti-disruptable product.
What do you think about these launches? What did I miss that I should have listed? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to see your own list of top launches from the last week. Maybe we can eventually get a p/scout forum going ;)
Product Hunt
You and @steveb are into SImplehuman, i need to give it another look! And yeah Chatbase was epic, they were just 2nd and i'm trying to work slightly farther down the list :)
@Jam was on my bingo board, too. I also liked @Simplehuman as it's a cool example of a very nimble indie team competing against a much bigger one.
Pickle also made me lol because I knew it was coming one day.
Product Hunt
@steveb Agreed about @Simplehuman! That was awesome to see on the leaderboard.
Product Hunt
@gamifykaran Fantastic choices!
Product Hunt
@kay_arkain Thanks, i appreciate it!
Product Hunt
@emmerita_ambata Google analytics honestly has gotten so much harder to understand over the years. Zyler makes more and more sense every day that passes aha
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