Buse Başar

LikedIn, Twitter or Reddit platforms, which of them do you prefer for marketing?

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Ani Kazarian
I use LinkedIn for my company, getting engagement and increasing awareness.
Gabe Moronta
There was a time, the answer would've been an easy Twitter, nowadays its more LinkedIn, and Reddit.
Buse Başar
@gabe_moronta What do you think is the reason for this?
Gabe Moronta
@buse_basar Twitter has become unsustainable in terms of marketing, never know when your content is going to end up being next to some hateful post that looks poorly on your brand. We're still posting stuff on there, but its harder to interact with people on a regular basis, too many issues have been experienced with the platform overall and with so many people that we previously interacted with leaving for other platforms, it's hit or miss whether we will make an impact with any particular post. As for Linkedin its more targeted in terms of marketing, they have the advantage of having access to people's titles and companies, so you can really target them in a way you cannot do on other platforms. Reddit on the other hand is the best for organic growth, you can find the right subreddit, you get the right person, and it spreads quickly. Very much a word of mouth platform, where it matters who is talking about you.
Tuğra Avcı
This is a bit dependent on the persona. But I must say that Reddit may give different results. It's worth testing.
Buse Başar
@tugraavci What do you mean by different results?
Charlotte Chiang
Reddit IME is truly amazing for word-of-mouth; it continues to be the highest source of direct traffic for us (was also the case with my previous startup). However, can be really tricky to engage there - have to tread carefully. Twitter is losing its efficacy, and LinkedIn well...gotta say it can be effective for viral sharing, but it's simply not as fun for me to spend time there 🤷🏻‍♀️
David J. Kim
@charmandro This is interesting, first time in a while I've heard good things about reddit! Usually people are harsh towards ads there. So by WoM, does that mean you did no ads/posts on reddit at all, or did you make some posts in relevant communities and let that snowball from there?
Dilan Aydın
I mostly use LinkedIn and Twitter for my marketing efforts. However, I also use Reddit for guerrilla marketing tactics. 😅
Buse Başar
@dilanaydiin Are you doing this, from your personal account?
Rana Ahmed Waheed
It depends on the type of audience I'm targeting and the goals of my marketing campaign.
Luke Button
It depends, but def Twitter is the most enjoyable
Buse Başar
@luke_button How do you use Twitter as a marketing strategy?
Linkedin is the fastest to grow on but depends on the audience you're targetting. Twitter looks for more real and unique content to grow,I do not have much knowledge in terms of reddit currently experimenting with it
Nuno Reis
we still use mostly LinkedIn for B2B but that is also becaue we are starting and we have no follower base in twitter, so it makes LinkedIn a better first choice for now.
Suraj Anjaana
For me linkedin first and Reddit second ..... Just add twitter with these two and your post and activity will post there automatically.
Taylah Drury
LinkedIn is great for B2B marketing and connecting with professionals in my industry.
Twitter is useful for reaching a broad audience and engaging with customers in real-time.
Andrew Philip
It's important to understand the nuances of each platform and tailor my marketing strategy accordingly.
Cihan Abut
The choice of platform depends on your target audience, marketing goals, and the nature of your product or service. I usually use LikedIn and Twitter. But I'm sure Reddit would be interesting too.