Thanks for this thread! I clicked notify for you launch - reply to this comment and I'll do the same for yours!
Our launch is here:
I already signed up to get notified for your product a couple days ago, Mark.
Would greatly appreciate your support on our product, if you haven't already. The link is displayed under a comment I left in this discussion. Thanks!
Supported :) I'm 41st on your wait list, Helen!
Would appreciate your support as well on our page:
For anyone else who wants my support, please reply and let me know you supported so I get notified to check yours out too! Best of luck, everyone 🚀
@hemalatha_rajendran Notified to yours too, Hemalatha. Would greatly appreciate your support as well for ours (the link to the product is in a comment I posted on this discussion) :)
@erdemgelal Thanks, Erdem! Well, that's a good question. Our target audiences are business owners and social media content creators :) You might be one of them ;)
Hey guys! We are creating a new product that will change the lives of millions of parents of infants and caregivers of the elderly. I would appreciate it if you would take a look at our teaser
Hey Helen!
Absolutely, supporting each other's journeys is what it's all about! I checked out your launch page—it looks promising, and I'm excited for your upcoming launch. Right now, I'm still in the early stages, but I'll definitely be counting on your support when my project takes flight.
Best of luck with your launch, and looking forward to our mutual support down the road! 🚀😊
@eren_socialclub Opted-in for notifications, Eren. You've got a great product! Please do check out the one my team will be launching soon too (Link is on a comment I posted in this discussion).
@jefferykaneda Oh, you already launched today. Congratulations. I'm your 31st upvote :) Wishing you all the best!
Our product will be launching soon - we'd also appreciate if you could support us (The link is on a comment I posted in this discussion). Thanks!