I am excited about your feedback, which will assist us in making our product more effective and fascinating for our true customers.
visit our website menuzet.com
Feedback about:
Hey Ravi, a few things if you want my honest opinion:
- your website, you gotta improve, there's too many things and it just doesn't look nice.
- only after trying to join did I understand who the target audience is, which is not me, a person who goes to the restaurant.
- I don't see or get the advantage of being on menuzet, as opposed to Google, you don't tell me what I am getting out of it
- The first step to using menuzet is creating an account, I don't even know what I will be getting and what's the advantage.
- your target audience is restaurants, you should go get a few to use menuzet and display them on your app.
Those are the main points I see, wishing you good luck!
Oh and if you could support wingtap which I'm launching this week, would be really nice!