
Keyword Analysis for SEO


Hiya people.. Im learning SEO for my startup , while abundance of quality knowledge is available on MOZ, Ahrefs, backlinko, coursera and the likes, I am struggling to find tools that'll help practice. For example, I'm in stage 1 trying to work with keywords. Where can I find tools to understand keywords? I found Wordtracker's keyword tool trial, but why cant I access google's keyword tool? I have an ads account.

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I usually start with competitors' research and use such tools as Ahrefs and KWFinder. I also use SEO META in 1 Click plugin to check the main SEO elements of a particular page (meta tags, meta data, and more.) Hope this helps :)
Jaskiran Kaur
Research everything about keywords, then check what your competitors are using, what is the volume and CTR of these keywords. Check tutorials simultaneously.
@jaskiran_kaur I totally get that from all the theoretical learning.. my question was about tools that'll help practical implementation.. thanks anyway...
Swadhin Das
what is the volume and CTR of these keywords
Tatiana Kukova, PhD
Google is responsible for what you can and can't see in their search engine, and they are constantly changing that. If you use SEO, it may take you 3 to 6 months to discover the changes in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. Basically, everybody is trying to do the same thing: to see the right results in search engines as soon as they start typing. However, you can't just "break" into their systems and tweak something to suit your needs. That would've been too easy, especially these days what people try to sell something online. Discoverability is not a one-time hack. It is a constant practice of creative minds.
@kukova_tatiana I totally get that from all the theoretical learning.. my question was about tools that'll help practical implementation.. thanks anyway...
I also use Ahrefs. Definitely one of the best tools out there.