@anastasiiahere Oh, absolutely. No internet or an unstable connection is a killer. And to me, it also is having several meetings throughout the day with short intervals in the middle. Once I get into the flow, it's meeting time again!
@jenny_zhai Absolutely! You just put into words an issue that I had but wasn't clear about😂 When I have one random meeting in the middle of the day on a meeting-free day, I always find myself using up more time than expected to stop focus and prepare for the call + regaining focus after the meeting! Such a killer!
Attending lots of meetings... I realized that I am most productive in the morning and if I have to attend meetings during those hours, I find myself struggling to be productive.
For me that would be being accidentally locked in an abattoir whilst undertaking some electrical work there.
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recently the code to our blog was messed up to where when I deleted more than 1 blog it would unexpectedly wipe out a bunch of categories. we keep backups, thank the gods, but that day I was writing all our help articles and didn't save any of them on my host, just on the blog (blog is used to create help center articles, all the same thing)
so i was writing these help articles, and i deleted some old blog posts that we're now combined in the help articles and no longer needed. after i did that I lost every help article, and some blog categories.
the 24hour backup runs at midnight, so I got lucky because i deleted these after midnight. but still lost a couple hours worth of work, was able to recover like 80%
@richw Oh, the importance of backups. I'm glad you could at least recover most of the blogs, but how awful it is when you get these unexpected time killers!
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