I've made my first sales for people who see the value in my extension that helps them with their workflow in Cursor AI. I don't recollect seeing other extensions as a product here, but I think that it is of great value, and a lot of Cursor users might be here (since this is a community which naturally has a lot of early (AI) adopters).
Curious about your opinion about this. Should i release it as a PH product?
~ Background story ~
As a maker, developer and AI enthousiast, I started working along with Cursor AI during development. This turned out to be a real productivity boost. One thing missed, though: the ability to save/export entire conversations (chats) that I had.
After a while I started to notice the need for this to:
1️⃣ save (parts of a) conversation as documentation (deploy steps, related features, architectural decisions, ..)
2️⃣use as input for a fresh chat when a (longer used/ long open) chat freezes (it doesn't react anymore.
That's why I created and actively use the "Cursor Convo Export extension".
(You can take a look at: 🔗
https://eekayonline.gumroad.com/... - there is a demo vid as well)