In search of a strategy for scaling a software product.
As with any groundbreaking innovation, one of the biggest obstacles to adopting tool platforms No-code will be the developers themselves. As in other industries where automation has disrupted business models, workflows and workplaces, Zero code development can do the same in many modern Hi-Tech organizations.
Here's what classic programmers have to say about No-Code:
The software revolution we've already made is that a great many, if not the vast majority, of people between the ages of 16 and 20 around the world already know how to program with a mouse.
From now on, a new employee, whether blue-collar or white, is expected to understand the concept of telling a computer what to do with simple, sequential dots and clicks.
The future places equal responsibility on the developers of "no-code" platforms as well as on the people who can think logically and work "point-and-click" systems.
The future of programming depends largely on the resurgence of the Ada promise: code that is written to be read and understood by humans, and compiled to run on any hardware.
"As a developer, I've seen many companies try to offer this no-code software development solution. Usually, these no-code software solutions never fully meet companies' (client) expectations and companies end up reverting back to developers. The few companies who do stick with it, end up paying expensive developers to work with the limited no-code software and / or pay huge fees for custom features. All in all, it turns out to be a bad investment for most businesses."
One cannot but agree with this, tk. Developers of No-Code platforms at the initial stage of their scaling cannot take into account absolutely all the nuances in certain client tasks. The developers of such tools must constantly study the statistics of client requests and, with each new version, improve the logical core, offering developers an expanded set and versatility.
The history of PC development reflects the computing and software environment prior to Mac OS and Windows.
Before GUI interfaces transformed personal computing, mainstream use of computers was limited to techies unafraid of navigating DOS prompts and other programming languages. Mac OS and Windows leveled the playing field, allowing anyone to quickly learn, use and adapt software applications to fit their unique needs. We’re at the same place in time today when it comes to no-code software. “Developing” apps and truly customizing software applications are limited to the techies.
So, How do we, the Beeptec Engineering startup, present version of the strategy for scaling and popularizing our No-code tool platform for the development of automatics, robotics and smart systems?
We invite a wide audience of interested specialists to participate in our open cross-industry projects, where, in our opinion, there is a great demand for robotics, while their budgets, for a number of reasons, do not allow investing in individual developments, and the robotics industry does not offer anything available for such industries.
One of such open projects in the field of agriculture: