Hi Junaid,
It's pretty interesting question if you take it seriously.
Obviously, it all depends on who you are and what's your current state in life (single, married, with kids, have house or not etc.) and your goals in life.
I'll write for a person like myself (not married, entrepreneur, digital nomad) and would divide it into a couple of categories that are important for me:
1. Financial freedom
2. Real estate
3. Business
4. Knowledge
5. Insurance & Cash
Let's assume that I start from 0:
– I do not have any savings
– I do not have a house
– I do not have any businesses (even though I'm working on InsiderBuyStock).
– Also, what's important, I do not need to pay tax on that $1M, otherwise the story would be much shorter
1. Financial freedom
As a part of F.I.R.E movement I'd set my F.I.R.E number to $450k (to calculate F.I.R.E number you need to take your monthly spending x 12 and then x0,04 because of the controversial 4% rule) if I have a house to live in that we assume in point 2. I invest that in stable (what is stable nowadays) dividend stock.
1m - $450k = $550k left
2. Real estate
It's more or less always good to have your personal house so you do not need to spend money on rent etc.
At this moment, here in the Netherlands, you can find a good apartment not in the city centre for about $300k
$550k - $300k = $250k left
3. Business
As an entrepreneur I want to have a business to work on and to grow. As we assumed above, I do not have any at this moment, so I'd go to services like microaquire and find a business with TTM revenue around
$12k-$14k with potential to grow. Aquire it for x5-x8 mark.
$250k - $100k = $150k
You will need to spend money to grow and market your product, so I'd set dev/marketing budget for the project to $50k
$150k - $50k = $100k left
4. Knowledge
Your business can fail, your savings can be stolen, your house can burn, but no one can take your knowledge. Always learn. I'd set $10k - $20k aside for courses, books and workshops.
$100k - $20k = $80k
5. Insurance & Cash
Some would not agree, but cash is still king and a lot of things can happen accidentally in your life, so I'd spend some money on a good health insurance (+ home insurance see point 2 + 4) and leave rest in a pocket.
What are your thoughts on that?
P.S. it's my personal view and the numbers are pretty rough
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