David T. Kim

If there was no internet, what kind of startup would you start?


While hacking away some code, this got me thiking. If internet never came to be, what kind of startup would I start? I'm a pretty successful fiction author, so maybe I'll go into publishing with a subscription model that sends a serial every week by physical mail. What would you do if there was no internet?

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Arko Ganguli
A traditional clothing store, with clothing from various remote cultures across that hidden gems, especially when it comes to women wear.
Arko Ganguli
@david_t_kim It will be less about the volume more about the experience, so one of the ways this can be scaled is having a bidding system (like an auction house). Once the pricing plans and the business models are standardized to create a profitable offline venture, it can be scaled strategically using franchisee models, as long as our business has an exclusive control of the supply of the products that are going to be sold (pretty standard way even in today's world).
Something with engineering. . 🚀
Veranika Vinichenka
I dream of opening a full-cycle dog shelter, which includes a "dog-cafe" where people can come to drink coffee and play with, for example, puppies, or maybe fall in love with one of them and take them home. I am very worried about the problem of homeless animals in Belarus. And I would also open a bakery for the soul :) With the most ruddy and always warm buns :)
David T. Kim
@nika_vinichenko Would you allow cats & dogs into your bakery?
Veranika Vinichenka
@david_t_kim Definitely yes. When my puppy was 2 months old and fit almost on the palm of your hand, they kicked us out (really kicked out, not asked to leave) from Starbucks (however, we accepted the order and we waited on the street for coffee to be brought out), and it was very unpleasant, especially with considering that he was in the bag
Samuli Pehkonen
Sustainable clothing brand
Rashmi Gupta
startup to provide good free food to people in need, like people in hospitals. These are already there but i will start with my own sustainable ideas.
David T. Kim
@rashjbp Non-profit?
Nick Hutton
A bookstore - they're just such wholesome places and I feel you'd meet so many great people.
Frédéric Letellier
a project to create a global network of exchange, accessible to all, non-centralized and resilient
David T. Kim
@frederic_letellier Without the internet? Wow. I guess that's the opportunity.