Aaron O'Leary

If the Pandemic ended right now, what's the first thing you would do?

Stepping into 2021 there is some optimism that things might start going back to normal to some point and I'm curious what's the first thing you would do if everyone went back to normal right now? For me, I'd probably just go to a restaurant. I miss dining out so much

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Prottay Rudra
Nathan Svirsky
Live music. Don't care what it is - just get me in front of some BIG speakers to rock my soul! 🔊 🎵
Sam Liebeskind
@nathansvirsky yes! definitely going to a concert and dancing is #1 for me
Vlad Burcin
Would definitely go in another country for a few days
Fly to see my parents. It's been absolutely ages!
Daniel Rongo
Going back to Italy and see my family
See the sea.
Resto :)
Pablo! books
Burn my face mask :D
Ebru Kırımlı
I would go out without mask and take a deep breath without any fear... What about you ?@ismail_poyraz @beritan_gokyildiz @nursena_isler
Visit my parents (Germany & Switzerland) and my sister and her first child (Belgium)
Alex Walther
No brainer: First visit family abroad, then go on a v long trip far away.
Kritika Oberoi
Meet ALL the friends that I haven't been able to see as much
Magdalena Górka
travel and still work remotely
Gabe Perez
Plan a big get together for fam & friends!
Prerna Bagree
Would definitely go out at some place to relax
Mert Cihan Kurel
I will move to Colombia.
Cica-Laure Mbappé
I would swim, and go to a concert!
Dhruv Bhatia
Travel some place warm
Sanjay John Eapen
Will travel to my usual places without a mask!