Bala Menon

Hype vs. build – as a developer do you focus on the stack or on the user?


I wrote something recently about how, as developers, it is easy to get caught up in the latest hyped up language, framework or design system that's touted to be the next best thing. Given the hype, do you work with what you know and know well to build something quickly or learn the new thing to build something with? Post here:

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James Tedy
it depends on the goal, if the goal is to create something out of those hyped stack then I'll do that, but if the goal is to create a good product or to solve problem then I'll work with the stack I'm most familiar with.
Udipta Basumatari
Well written, at the end of the day, the average user doesn't really care what tools were used as long as the solution gets the job done well.
Kenny Hawkins
If it's scalable, efficient, reliable, and secure, by all means, have the hype! If an 'older' framework accomplishes this and allows for faster build, go that route.