"Before you reach a decision point, decide what will be best for you and your career.
Describe your professional aspirations and the standards you'll use to determine whether to accept a job."
Ask yourself this: Will I 1 year from now with 100% certainty still get excited on Sundays to get to work?
Often it's difficult to predict, and then you just have to jump into it.
I honestly don't think you can avoid it as much as allow yourself to give something up that turns out to not be a good fit.
I've never expected to be a founder of a startup so I tried out working in a corporation as it was what I initially envisioned for myself. It ended up being a complete waste of time, but I don't feel like I could have known in advance. The way everything happened just pushed me more toward where I am today.
To sum it up:
1. If something seems like a great opportunity where you can grow and learn - take it.
2. If it ends up not being what you wanted, be ready to walk away. And don't get too hung up on titles - if you're unhappy with where you're at, no amount of social recognition can mediate that.