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Ashok Reddy

How many of you struggle to write blogs ? me 🖐️

Writing blogs is very time taking process for me .

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Tanana Vegas
In the world of luxury, where every detail counts Contrat de bail, the exception is revealed in private. Some of our properties, real real estate gems, are not exposed in broad daylight.
Writing a blog post consumes two days, which is too time-consuming for me.
Priyanka Gupta
@mho22 Really? Even after god gave us ChatGPT! What exactly takes most of your time? I might help.
@priyanka_gupta19 The time consumed lies not in the composition of the article itself but rather in the research and development that precedes it. I create tutorials detailing the process of building things in a coding language, providing step-by-step instructions accompanied by code snippets and images. Additionally, I include links to example projects I build to illustrate it better. Not easy, nor quick.
@ashok_reddy_kakumanu Honestly, I don't know. I suppose if an AI has an access to my example project, and with a kind of base prompt, it will write my blog post for me ? 😄
@ashok_reddy_kakumanu Yep ! If you can make me save that time, my X account :
Priyanka Gupta
@mho22 that’s cool. Can you share a few examples?
For me, writing blogs can be a challenge sometimes.
Priyanka Gupta
@priyankamandal Which part is most challenging for you? 1. Understanding what topics to write on? 2. Making a structure of the article 3. Writing Content 4. Publishing it online ? Or any other?
Priyanka Gupta
@priyankamandal try the following prompt in chat GPT if you haven’t already. “Act as an expert content creator with expertise on (topic name). Make the structure of an SEO optimised article with headings and sub headings - using the following information/ thought process (Dump your thoughts and key research points here)” Hope it helps. Let me know if it helped :)
Paul Boudet
writing is a muscle - just hit the gym (=write) and it'll improve
Rajesh Kandaswamy
Few things that work for me. - A simple mechanism to jot down ideas anytime they occur (without any judgement). - Regular goal to write - may be a blog a week. - Mindfully review news articles with a view to find an interesting items that I can write about. - Leverage epochal events - end of year, start of year, holidays, etc. in my content. - Think of top x lists - 3 questions to ask before you invest in AI, etc. - Just write for yourself, even if you choose to not blog it. Wish you the best.
Priyanka Gupta
Haha may i know a bit about your product and the target audience? Might be able to help
Priyanka Gupta
@ashok_reddy_kakumanu sounds interesting. All the best. We work in similar space. Let’s connect and explore synergies.
That's me🖐️. I tend to write 5 sentences that explain the concept but then fall short in expanding further
Alina Salavatova
I really enjoy blogging and writing articles. However, it all depends on the topic. If it's a professional subject, it takes a lot of time and is somewhat more challenging. But if it's just a blog about my life and travels, then it's very easy.
Sandra Djajic
Coming up with ideas can be challenging sometimes :D
Andrew Ginn
@sandradjajic for sure! I struggle with the balance of creating something feels like myself and the reality that producing content that 'works' can be quite different.
Andrew Ginn
Definitely struggling with consistency right now. Same with TikTok. Both are our freest marketing at the moment but it's tough to be consistent, especially given I have built a structure that could help (sitting down and planning ideas for a whole month kinda thing).
Chemical Bull
I do struggle to write a blog. Visit:-
Rihab Zaidi
I haven't posted a new article for my newsletter in a month :( it's not exactly a struggle but many factors at play might discourage one from doing it. One of these factors is writer's block; In my case, it's either me having multiple creative ideas at once for a month ahead or having none at all for a long time. A cool solution to this was inspired by a blog I read; it shows you how to get inspiration from Reddit. Yes, Reddit. I spend a lot of time there and read all kinds of content from people and sure does inspire me sometimes to talk about that topic. You can adjust this to whichever platform you spend most time on ( like product hunt) and use it as a treasure hunt for great topic ideas.
Just organize the structure of your article, and let GPT handle the rest 😎