How long did it take you to achieve financial freedom? 🍜
Just started my journey as a indiehacker / solopreneur in March, actually created a SAAS in two weeks as a first challenge. I knew it would let me have sufficient revenues to have directly financial freedom (got ~$18 MRR so far ahah), and I definitely know that the more product I put out there in the wild the more chances I have to achieve financial freedom. So I'll keep going. While launching my first product tomorrow I will definitely start working on the next product, in parallel of checking PH forum for the launch ahah.
Would love to hear your stories toward this financial freedom. For indiehackers, how many products did you launch? For entrepreneurs, how long did it take your with your startup / company? Feels like it can inspire people.
PS: let's ban these "10k in 4 days" GPT stories please 🙈