With the mass influx of users going wild on Red Note - a more open and free content platform - is your product operations responding quickly to this migration and starting to profit?
We try to introduce ourselves everywhere to get more attention.
But right now I think the big winners are the cats. We can't beat them, after all, they pay the cat tax.
I think this migration might be temporary. So it would be better to take some time to observe and analyze the trend before making any significant adjustments.
@focusaur If you have some ready-made content and material, you may want to catch a traffic spurt as soon as possible to do some publicity, ROI is very high!
The migration from TikTok to Red Note is certainly an interesting shift, and it brings both challenges and opportunities. As many users transition from one platform to another, it’s essential for businesses and creators to adapt their content strategies to ensure they maintain their reach and engagement. Red Note may bring a different user interface, algorithm, or even content formats, which could require a learning curve. The operation should focus on maximizing the features of Red Note while maintaining their TikTok presence, if possible, during the transition period. This way, users can adjust smoothly while keeping their audience engaged. For tips on maximizing content strategies across platforms, check out https://webspacekit.net/.