
How do you write consistently?


Hello Makers and Hunters, Writing has become a vital tool of self-discovery, if not for other benefits. CEOs, managers, employees everyone writes. The hardest part of writing is building a writing habit actually. So, what do you guys follow to build a consistent writing habit? how do you keep up with it? P.S: Here is an awesome tool for all those who struggle with building a writing habit:

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Yashraj Shrivastava
I think writing is a craft that one needs to keep honing to become great. That makes it necessary to keep writing on a regular basis. One way that has helped me write consistently even on the tough days is to write whatever you feel like writing. This could even mean writing a book or movie review to keep the flow.
@yashraj_shrivastava You are absolutely right Yashraj. If you want to write on a regular basis, try my app:
Kristen Brown
Hi, @nithur Thank you for sharing this awesome tool for writing, I hope this tool will be helpful to those people who are struggling to enhance their writing skills. I am also an academic writer, Basically, I suggest this resource that can be helping students write unique articles and their various academic assignments.
@kristenbrown Noted. Thank you for the great recommendation Kristen.
Jareer Samad
Being curious about everyday life, reading about topics of interest and setting aside some time everyday to write are some ways to get started.
@jareer_samad That's great to hear Jareer. If you want to build a consistent writing habit you can try this app:
Misha Krunic
I think I can safely say that now I've developed a habit of writing a weekly blog article or something similar. There may be better suggestions, but one of the things that worked for me was that I first started noting down my ideas at the same moment they occurred to me. No matter how simple they were, or how many sentences it took to write them down. Later on, when I had time, I sat down and expanded on those same ideas, mostly after my regular work was done. During this process, I think I developed a skill on expanding on numerous topics I wanted to write about. Also, I gradually improved my process and am currently trying to allocate more time for research and proper structuring. Essentially, I focused on improving my writing skills day by day, and consistency kind of came along by itself.
Alexey Shashkov
Hey Nithursan. Great question. I created a simple content plan in Notion and just perform it every day. I do it as my main work daily. Because writing content = getting new users = traction = growth.
It does not need to be a habit. It never is, even for writers! Write when you feel like doing it. Don't write when you are not in the mood. That is the best way to avoid converting something you enjoy into a task you will hate later.
@simplytedel That's a reasonable point Tedel. But if you want to accomplish stuff, it should be a habit right?. Of course there will be days when you don't feel like it but you got to keep going. That will be the right attitude, I guess.
Benoit Chambon
Depending the size/type of writing. When I was preparing my thesis, I fixed myself a 3-pages a day goal, because I counted that there were only XXX days before my thesis defending.
Vasilina Leushina
Tip from our users on Surfaces.One: if you offer your followers weekly newsletters - you have to write at least once per week because your audience is waiting. It's a pretty motivating reason
Siddhesh Lokare
Read and replicate. Writing is more about replication than dedication.
@siddhesh_lokare1 Absolutely Siddhesh. Stephen King also remarks the same point: "If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write."
I've been using the speech-to-text feature on my smartphone lately for all sorts of things such as notes, comments, and even full blog posts. It helps that it's always on me, and that it is very accurate (99% of the time), which kinda actually surprised me at first. Just as an example, this reply took about 45 seconds to write, and my fingers don't hurt hehe 👍😊 I no longer have no excuse not to write and often.
Louis Morgner
Hey Nithursan, I've recently read "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield and for me, the biggest takeaway was that you just need to win the daily battle with resistance when it comes to creative work like writing. This means, writers need to be highly disciplined and establish their identity by doing the work. Every day. I personally set aside the first 30 minutes of every day to just write. This disciplines helps me to get through writer's block super fast. Hope these tips might help someone ✌🏽 Best, Louis
@louismorgner What a sweet message Louis 😍. Thank you for this. Also, if you want to track your writing habit you can try this app:
Alison Osborne
I make sure to book some time out in my calendar so I can hold myself accountable and not put off content writing! Also, I find changing my environment just to write is helpful for inspiration/focus.
jim smith
There's a book about it by Steven Pressfield, The War of Art
I know the struggle of this as I was in that phase a few months back. I searched for a tool to track my writing progress but I couldn't find one. So, I built one myself. If you looking forward to building a writing habit, here it is: