Pritam Nanda

How do you plan your PH launch? My secret in the comments 🀫


Launching on Product Hunt is a lot of planning. Thankfully, I have a tool to fall back upon that helps me gather my research, useful articles, links etc and makes it super easy to plan discussions, emails, and more. I can also share the plan, and collaborate with my team. Interested? More about the tool in the comments. BTW, we are launching soon! πŸŽ‰

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Brian Nutt
I may be in the minority here. We are launching a feature of our larger product as a stand-alone tool with the hope to gain an audience along with experience on PH. The feature is being called Brand Builder and is an easy way to scrape the web for brand assets of any URL. Our ship page can be seen here. Follow along! And if you want to see the full platform, designed to build personalized video at scale, you can visit our website Cheers!
Cherie Yang
@brian_nutt All the best! We're doing that too - launching a free/no signup feature of Visualist. Following along your journey!
Pritam Nanda
I use Findz ( ) to plan our Product Hunt launch. In Findz, you can: - Create groups and collect bookmarks, locations, contacts, photos, videos, audio, documents and files effortlessly with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, schedule events, shop, and more. - Organize your finds in collections and sub-collections - Have meaningful conversations in the context of your finds and collections, embedded within a general chat session - Schedule events and associate your finds with them, for example, items for a picnic Search through your finds based on when, where and who found them, the collection(s) they are in, the reactions they received (for example, has two or more πŸ‘ ), location, website, price, brand, etc. - Share your finds with other apps - Do all of the above while you are offline Using the Findz’ Chrome and Safari Extension, you can also migrate all your bookmarks to Findz with a click of a button. Head to the link, to download Findz now.
Nicole Ogloza
@pritam_nanda92 super helpful tool. thanks for this! Any other tips?
Pritam Nanda
@nicole_ogloza Thank you for sharing your initial thoughts about Findz. You can check out the app from the app store, and I would love to get a feedback from you. Here are some of the other tips that might find helpful: 1. Get ready with your launch materials well in advance. 2. Get a catchy product thumbnail and tagline. 3. Engage with the community before the actual launch. (Try SHIP if possible) 4. Send out a Thank you note and ask for feedback from the SHIP page subscribers.
Solomon Bush
For my first launch, I had just heard about PH, grabbed some screenshots of my app and then launched. It was a disaster. :) For my second launch I planned it out for weeks, built all my marketing materials. Garnered the attention of a bunch of ppl on PH. Then launched. Unfortunately, I violated the rules on PH - I did my second launch only 3 months after my first. πŸ‘Œ It was going great at first, but I guess it got reported, and then it was unfeatured, and now both of my products are permanently locked. So, my second launch went way worse than my first. At least I didn't get banned πŸ₯³ So, I can officially relaunch, for real this time, in May or June. Hopefully I don't screw this one up and shadow ban myself again lol.
Pritam Nanda
@solomon_bush Lol. You have figured out top ways to fail in Product Hunt. I wish you luck this time around. Thanks for sharing your story
Solomon Bush
@pritam_nanda92 Haha yeah, I feel like my startup experience could be an episode in Silicon Valley. But no problem! Happy to share :)
Paul VanZandt
We're trying to interact with the PH community to gain buzz while we put together all of our launch materials. I'm also dabbling with the idea of getting our product externally hunted, so we'll see how it goes!
Paul VanZandt
@pritam_nanda92 Thanks! you can check out our upcoming page here if you want updates on our launch
Fabian Maume
This is my personal action plan:
Pritam Nanda
@fabian_maume Thanks for sharing this. It's super useful. I am stealing a few points from your roadmap (particularly about Indie Hackers) πŸ™‚
Martina Hackbartt
We're launching on the 20th of April. We've been reading plenty of literature (like e-books and blog posts from people we know and who had a successful launch), interacting with the community and preparing the visual materials (video, pictures, etc). We've been using to preview the launch as well.
I'm planning to launch this coming weekend. Whilst I tend to take a more hands-off approach to my launch I do follow a rough guide of pre-promotion on socials, free giveaway prior to launch, interaction with the community and prepping amazing looking creative assets for the product. The rest I leave in the hands of the launch day!
Pritam Nanda
@hugh_dawkins I agree with you. Even with the best of planning and execution, you can't be sure how your launch would go. Thanks for sharing this.
Harish Kumar
How do you cross-promote your page on social media...the page that you launched?
Brian Nutt
Congrats to you! We are still polishing a few things. We had an unforeseen development with permissions (ugh) that we need to address but what the heck- Ship it! Following along with you as well. Cheers!
Liana Karapetyan
Is this only for Product Hunt or generally any project planning?
Pritam Nanda
Hi @liana_karapetyan7. Findz can help you in collaborating with your people and plan anything. Trips, shopping, parties, and more.