Creative block affects everyone at some point, I get it quite often when working on a new idea, normally I use exercise, relaxing, reading and journalling to get to a better state. How about you?
Morning walkings in nature make me always inspired. Sometimes best ideas come to me while I'm swimming. If I need focusing beyond the thoughts I'd rather small breaks or short sleeps.
I usually go out for a 15-20min walk or go training. Since I'm a writer primarily on LinkedIn I usually go scroll and comment on peoples posts, and through commenting I generate new ideas for my conent.
@clemenszlami Great point. And interestingly, most of the best ideas come when you're not working!
By the way, I'm looking for feedback on AnyGo, a tool used to easily compare the cost of driving and flying between U.S. cities. You can find it on my profile page. Thanks Clemens!
"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work" - Stephen King.
When I feel that creative block, this quote comes to mind. For me, it's a reminder that my creativity comes from a passion or interest in whatever the subject is and that if I sit and start working, the creativity starts to snowball, and the next thing I know several hours have gone by. I was completely in the zone.
Listening to music while working really helps too
Watch inspiration, competitors, other industries to think out of the box.
List all the good ideas you've found.
Try sketching stuff that includes these ideas.
Walking, cooking and woodworking. For me, sometimes creative block is a sign for something entirely different, like the idea might not be that close to my heart.
By doing something completely different, I can also see how much every moment I wanna come back to the project.
Is it creative block or procrastination?
Most of the time, people experience creative block when they are in severe burnout or overwhelmed with the amount of tasks they have to do in a day or week. It's like you're mind is telling you 'you're overworked, and you need to rest.'
The solution: If you can't keep your mind off of something, take a break. Relax. Go for a walk, listen to your fav playlist or podcast show, and even spend 15 to 30 mins of you're time doing nothing.
Meanwhile, some people uses 'creative block' as an excuse when they wanted to procrastinate or (they already did procrastinate, but) spent most of their time doing nothing.
The solution: Just do it! I've read the three-hour work-focused period where you have to work for 3 hours straight without any distraction. This can help you get started, finish more tasks, and feel better knowing you're done with a lot of things in a day.
Two different things requires two different solution.
Take some time off, don't force it. Focus on yourself and maybe exercise or meditate. Go out and find something new and exciting to do or explore, get some new inspiration.
I always appreciated trying/learning new things that I've always been interested in but never took the effort towards. The spark of curiosity was always a nice motivator that translated into a a desire to be more creative.
I normally switch to some task that needs immediate attention that is more repetitive admin based that doesnt require a great deal of thought, I find when switching back to the creative task I generally get into a creative flow. Plus procrastination is followed by panic of a hard deadline and the urgency also unblocks. The second isnt great but it is what it is.
Sometimes thinking small helps - by that I mean breaking down the over all thing you're working on into each of its components and then focusing on just one of them for a while - clear the mind of all the distractions of the other parts. This I find can spark some really great ideas!
For me, long cold showers work like a charm.
Reading case studies regarding the ideas I'm exploring or experimenting with completely different prospects also works against overcoming creative blocks!
Sci-fi series work too!
I usually go out for a run to clear my head, or if some idea is half done, I leave it and come to it after a few days.
Other times I watch a movie and observe other creators or read some blog on the topic I'm struggling with.
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