
How do you make your Fridays more productive?

I remember there was one saying at work: Thursday Is the New Friday and Friday Is Actually the Weekend. So no one wanted to work. 😀 I am a person who loves working (especially on my own projects) so do not differentiate these days. Anyway, how do you make yourself not fall into that "day-off" mood? ----- For me, it is usually: ⏰ Wake-up early 📝 To have a list of activities I need to get done ☝️ Contingent reward (when I am done with this I can allow myself this) – it is a kind of mini-motivation to me.

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Giovani Drosda Lima
If you are productive in 4 days and can rest the other 3, do it. People underestimate rest, but we are mammals. Mammals needs to sleep and likes to conserve energy to use it in peaks. Now, of course, if you know me you know that I say that consistency is key and indeed, I work everyday. But I also have my 6 - 10 hours of sleep and I assure you that I couldn't be more productive. But this is also true for *some* people. If you have a stable job, working 4 days a week should be standard imo.
Tymek Zapała
I usually divide my work to "creative" and "uncreative". Examples of creative are market research, ideation, creating marketing plan. Examples or uncreative are fixing bugs in my SaaS, sending already prepared emails, cleaning up tasks list etc. In general uncreative work is much easier to do especially when I'm having worse day. So if I feel like I haven't got motivation to work I'll just knock out uncreative tasks one by one, without even thinking much about it. Works really well for me!
Henn Runnel
Hey Nika, Fridays can definitely feel like an actual part of the weekend, but I’ve found some tricks to keep things productive and fun. Here’s how to make Fridays rock: 1. Kickstart with a plan ☕️ I always start my Friday with a big cup of coffee and a quick planning session, listing out top priorities for the day. No big strategy meetings—just quick wins and things that’ll give me a sense of accomplishment. 2. Time block like a pro ⏰ I swear by time blocking. I carve out chunks of time for specific tasks and stick to them. Need to write a blog post? 9-10 AM is blog time, and nothing else can come in between. This keeps me from drifting into weekend mode too early. 3. Spice it up with creative work 🎨 Whether brainstorming new ideas for Voog or sketching out new designs, I use Friday's relaxed vibe to let my creative juices flow. 4. Midday breaks and 0 meetings 📵 I love taking short breaks to walk around the block or grab a quick snack. Sometimes, I even hit up a local café for a change of scenery. Oh, and did I mention keeping Fridays free of meetings? If I must have one, It'll definetly be short. More time for actual work and less time stuck in Zoom purgatory! 5. Stay motivated with rewards 🎁 Finished that report? Time for a nice lunch. Clear out my inbox? Maybe a quick peek at my favorite YouTube channel. Keeps me motivated and feeling good about ticking off those tasks. 6. Summing up 📋 Lastly, I embrace the flexibility of Fridays, taking a few minutes to reflect on the week. What did I achieve? What can be improved? This helps me start Monday with a clear game plan. With the right mix of work and play, Fridays can be more productive than ever. TGIF 🎉
Shadman Nazim
@hennrunnel Sounds cool! But it is really hard to maintain things like that on Friday. No room for hangouts?!
Henn Runnel
@shadmannazim spot on, hangouts are just what was missing from my list. Fun team challenges like lunchtime trivia are bound to boost energy levels and encourage team spirit.
Ghost Kitty
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Besides clearly listing out what needs to be done, I usually schedule exciting activities like hanging out with friends or working out on Friday evenings. This motivates me to improve efficiency and get things done effectively, which generally works well.
To make my Fridays more productive, I prioritize wrapping up loose ends from the week and planning ahead for the next. Setting clear goals for the day helps me stay focused and ensures I finish strong before the weekend.
Ghost Kitty
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Adrian Taropa
I'm a designer so it depends on my mood. Like @tymzap said, we have creative and uncreative tasks to do. If I need excitement to get me going I go on a creative rampage. Otherwise I will try to knock out uncreative tasks. There's a sense of joy in checking those checkboxes in my todo list. I think some crucial aspects are having a routine: - Waking up early, before everyone, I find that if I start working when it's quiet, I get on a groove that can last the entire day - Taking some time to plan the day, water the plants, and have a coffee each morning helps the transition. I have a ritual of making myself a really fancy coffee in the morning, which takes about 10 minutes to make and it's something I enjoy doing. Having that as the day's first activity already sets a better tone. - checking out PH or other sources of inspiration. I love to look at and celebrate other people's successes. It helps motivate me and reinforces that it can be done.
CY Zhou
I make my Fridays more productive by setting clear, achievable goals for the day and prioritizing tasks that require the most focus. Additionally, I schedule short breaks to maintain energy and stay motivated throughout the day.
Whenever there's a weekend coming, I really think if I have to do anything special because I am reminded that I don't have a job, it's all in the mindset. So, if I want to make Monday as my day off and work on actual weekends, it is possible! With that, I prioritize items for the 'next' days!
Kexin Liu
😄 Keep reminding myself it;s the last workday and 2 cups of iced latte, one in the morning and the other one after lunch ☕️
Andreas Sohns
I start with a clear to-do list and set small rewards for completing tasks. I also prioritize important tasks in the morning when I'm most focused This helps me stay motivated and finish strong.
M Sulaiman
Fridays can be tricky to stay focused, but I find sticking to a solid routine helps: early mornings, a checklist to tackle, and little rewards along the way keep me on track. What about you? Any special tricks for staying productive on Fridays?
Irsa Doham
I keep my Friday's light by focusing on networking and catching up with colleagues, Its productive and also a nice transition in to weekend.
Jaxon Smith
I usually mix some fun tasks or learning activities on Fridays, it makes the day interesting also we have fun games hour in the office.
Jonathan Monroe
I use Pomodoro technique every day to maintain focus so I do the same on Friday to stay productive. One additional thing that I do on Friday is to keep the tasks lower.
Alexandre Contador
Wake up early, go for a long hike, and do some exercise. Get back, take care of all inboxes, engage with peers on all socials, schedule any posts and get back to sort it out any last minute ops.
Ali Haider
Waking up early and treating myself to small rewards after completing tasks keeps me energized and productive on Fridays
Hakim Zerhouni
I make my Fridays more productive by setting clear goals for the day and focusing on tasks that I enjoy or find particularly rewarding.
Antonyo Demydov
I leave the most important tasks on Monday :)