How do you know?
How often in an argument does someone confidently and undoubtedly state their opinion, passing it off as an indisputable fact? Almost always!
And then a simple question arises:
How do you know?
We have to constantly ask this question to ourselves and to the people around us. Its strength is in directness and openness. There is no condemnation in this question, it is only an expression of doubt and interest, it should not make you want to defend yourself.
So it turns out that most often behind a strong statement that is presented as a fact, there is only one's own opinion, which is formed by life experience or stereotyped patterns of thinking. And if you ask a person how they know what they are so confident about, it may happen that this person simply has nothing to answer.
So, if you are 100% sure of something or stubbornly state something, just stop and ask yourself — how do you know?