@dzaitzow For example, I learn to manage CRM like Zoho or Microsoft Dynamics for clients who want to connect their website with the CRM. The same for CMS WordPress, Drupal. I learn to use it and now I can create a self-hosted CMS, configure it myself, add custom content with the CMS tools and custom extensions developed by myself.
By always reminding myself of the long term vision. By building products and sharing it with the world. I am also going to launch my product on 17th Aug on PH. Would appreciate your support. Please follow SayData to get notified on the launch day. Thanks!
Craft a vision for the future and then see every day as you walking the path to it. Every day that you aren’t motivated is you getting farther from it by walking off your path. If that doesn’t scare you then you need a new goal for the future. A good goal gets you away from something you hate and towards something you love. You should feel like the mouse in that one study where a mouse is in a tube with a piece of cheese at one exit and a cat at the other. A balance of fear and love will motivate you the hardest. At least this is what I found works best for me :)
I set the main goals for myself and my team, and together we run towards them in every possible way.
Another method: small rewards for oneself for completed work.
I focus on taking daily incremental steps rather than thinking about the big picture. I rarely review my bigger goals since I drive my motivation with curiosity.
2 points. Firstly, I focus on taking small steps everyday. Secondly, I try to avoid a perfectionist attitude, and focus on doing the best that I can. This stops me from fretting over feeling like I'm not doing enough and helps beats procrastination.
not wanting to be broke again. there was a time in my life where i wasn't sure if at the grocery checkout if my card would go through or not. that feeling of shame and embarrassment sticks with me.
Stoic Practise
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